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Google Live Case
Create a Nexus phone case with a custom image or map.

Fahim Karim
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Looks awesome! Do you have a roadmap of other programming languages you are planning to add?

Internet-connected programming

Fahim Karim
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Looks great, just noticed that the "Get Started" button only seems to work on the home page.
Easiest way to order custom packaging online.

Fahim Karim
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Really cool idea. Can multiple doctors reply to a single question?

Instant, free answers from 100K U.S. doctors over Messenger

Fahim Karim
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Doesn't look like it's working anymore. I keep getting "I seem to be under the weather right now. Try again later :("

CaptionBot by Microsoft
Analyzing and describing images by a bot

Fahim Karim
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Seems really powerful and easy to use. I like the idea of having a game to help people learn the concepts. It would be nice if the game had feedback or a suggested solution (Flex Layout alignment vs the boxes under Position), and also a hint if someone gets stuck. Still great though!
Webflow Flexbox UI Builder
Build flexible, responsive layouts - without writing code

Fahim Karim
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Interesting concept, are you planning to integrate with Slack?
Bot Hunter Bot
Curated bots delivered weekly, by a bot

Fahim Karim
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Fun :). It looks like you can edit any boolean though, maybe add an api key system so everyone gets their own?
Booleans as a service. Create, read, update & delete boolean

Fahim Karim
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Really interesting, especially the insight into truebill monetization. Does anyone know if there is a way to play the podcasts at 1.5x speed?

Growth Everywhere - How Truebill Launched on Product Hunt (1k+ Upvotes) And Netted 2,500 New Users
How Truebill got 10K signups w/out acquisition costs

Fahim Karim
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Great idea, what level of customer support are you planning to offer?
Death & Taxes
First algorithmic, completely free tax app

Fahim Karim
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Looks great so far, might be nice to have a more detailed description when you look at an individual bot.

An app store for bots