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We found the way to recommend you best matching movies for your mood! You takes selfie, our App analyze your emotional state through your facial expression and get you the list of best matching movies according to your mood. So simple and great, isn't it?

Just take a selfie and get movies list based on your mood

ILya Rogoza
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You probably spend a lot of time in search of entertainment. Movies and series geeks take hours in search of a relevant content before they get what they want. Moreover, the users are not willing to take a final decision or the series they actually wanted to see does not suite their final state of mind. The result of the search makes them dissatisfies and the movie preview get delayed.

Just take a selfie and get movies list based on your mood

ILya Rogoza
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We present you FacesFilm app which helps you to find the best movie by AI technology according to your mood. Loading your selfie, AI analyzes your emotions, age, and other criteria. Then the app shows you the list of best movies from the received information.

Facesfilm: movies for the mood
Your face knows what do you want to see