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Eytan Buchman
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I love this, @avi_moskowitz1 . I'm curious - what A/B test has surprised you the most across all the tests PDQ has run?
A/B Test Shopify's 3 vs 1 Page Checkouts
Test which of Shopify's 2 checkouts is best for you

Eytan Buchman
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Love this. I saw a GIF of it on Twitter a while back and pestered @nashtheory until he gave me access. Super responsive founder with an incredible tool for meeting-takers who love efficiency.
Instantly schedule meetings without looking at a calendar

Eytan Buchman
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Super seamless product. Use case is super clear, our sales team fell in love, and parts of this feel like magic. Definitely still a work in progress but very responsive developers ensures that this keeps getting better.
@seanlewin any plans to let users add people to hierarchies themselves, rather than just rearranging employees you pull?
1-click org chart intelligence that wins deals 🥇

Eytan Buchman
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I love Screenflow although the last couple of updates have been getting pushed out a little buggy. I'd rather a less frequent cadence at a higher price point. Screenflow itself is awesome - I've yet to find something better.
Pros: Easy interface which some surprisingly powerful editing tools
Cons: These ongoing updates that cost a ton without a ton of new functionality

Screenflow 8
Easily create stunning videos for Mac 🎬

Eytan Buchman
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I've been a Zester for as long as I can remember (I have very poor memory, to be fair), and it's stuck out as the number one way I consume marketing information. It just works. And while I didn't think I would ever give up allll my new tab plugins, I did. And haven't looked back.
@yam_regev, what's one thing you discovered about marketing to marketers that surprised you in the process?
Zest 2.0
High fidelity marketing content stream

Eytan Buchman
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I love the folks at Awario. @ab80, beyond building an awesome product, your support staff have been 🙌. I guess my #1 question is how can you differentiate in a market that is already a little crowded?
Real-time mentions of your startup from social & the web

Eytan Buchman
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Powerpoint pixel pushers, meet your salvation.
I've been waiting for V2 of Deckset for months. It's literally one of my favorite productivity Jedi tools, given that I write notes in markdown anyways.
Deckset takes my Markdown and spits out beautiful, typography-rich presentations that put the focus on the content.
Just as an example, two months ago, I was sitting with two people on my...
Deckset 2
Great-looking slides from simple Markdown files in no time

Eytan Buchman
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Congrats on building this, @sharon_savariego!
What would you say is the most important lesson that community managers need to know...and how does Mobilize support that?
Mobilize for Android
Chat, network and keep up with your community on the go 📲

Eytan Buchman
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This looks awesome, guys! Great to see some killer storytelling tools emerging from Jerusalem!
Popular news in the Story format

Eytan Buchman
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First off, the Meetingbird team is off the hook at shipping features. I probably send out my Meetingbird link 10 times a day and can't count the number of times people write back when impressed with Meetingbird's product. Their interfaces are beautiful, their support is schweeet and this new plugin is just icing on the cake. Keep it up, @pdornier, you're doing something right.
Meetingbird for Gmail
View your calendar and schedule meetings right from Gmail

Eytan Buchman
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Nice job, guys! Curious what the business model is with this.
The intuitive picture phonebook

Eytan Buchman
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Been Zesting since almost day one and love it. Great content, great product and a great way to start a morning out with educational material that doesn't require me wading through fiery fields of pure, unadulterated crap. Seems like curation, especially good old fashioned manual curation, is taking off.
My question is whether you guys were concerned at all about launching as a new tab...
Share and discover stellar marketing content

Eytan Buchman
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Also, from Day 1, Loom has been my favorite on-boarding process. Love it.
Loom for Gmail
You can now send quick videos via Gmail. (Prev Openvid) 🎥 ✉️

Eytan Buchman
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Hey, @kosovan! Love what you guys did here...but I'm going to leave my honest feedback. I tried this out, found an amazing app (Ulysses), installed it and then, after a few weeks, deleted Setapp. I found that the app discovery was a little complicated - I had to know exactly what I wanted, find it online, read a description and then install it.
This might have been an isolated experience but...

Get 100+ curated Mac apps in a single subscription.

Eytan Buchman
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Uber and Lyft should be getting 😰😰😰.
It's one thing when Google aggregates driver/passenger supply and demand...
It's a whole other thing when they do it while actively applying for ride-sharing patents.;jsessionid=8F751F25E277204D524CDC4E0CB84083.wapp1nB?docId=WO2016209595

Rides in Google Maps
Book Lyft/Uber ride directly within Google Maps

Eytan Buchman
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Congrats on the launch!
First time coming across Writeful. Can you elaborate a little more on the profit model? Also, love that you have apps for all major OSs. What drove that decision? And how do you avoid getting distracted developing across four (with Chrome) products?

Writefull for Chrome
Writing with confidence

Eytan Buchman
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@azumbrunnen This looks great. My question to you is that Chrome new tab extensions are a zero-sum game, where you're grabbing ongoing app exposure with a very limited channel. Did that play a factor in deciding to create an app that relies so much on that one vaunted spot?

Mindful (Beta)
A space for your thoughts, ideas, and ongoing tasks