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Emmanuel Lemor
Cust. Exp., Prod. Mgmt etc are my world.
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260 points
7 Hunted
6 Reviews
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Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
I can, (while I don't agree), see why you would go with Google Calendar as a platform - but it's a non starter for me - never liked Google Calendar much and their lack of updates over the years hasn't helped my thinking [and the interface/how it integrates can be a nightmare in some configurations]... (and I can't say that there handling of our privacy has helped change my mind much). Will be...
Woven Calendar
An intelligent calendar
+1 comment
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
Looks great but big ouch on the price ;(
Ultra-light, foldable urban electric vehicle
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
It will be interesting to see what this actually sounds like and is capable of - based on the information so far, seems like a far cry from something with great sound attempting to compete with the likes of Sonos, Apple's HomePod etc etc Looking forward to specs, reviews etc
Echo Sub
Powerful subwoofer for your Echo
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
Never been a huge fan of Chrome due to it's hoggish nature, lack of good privacy, sub-par Inspect Element feature, etc... [should I mention that it updates itself when it wants to - it hadn't updated my Chrome since v59 and claimed that there were no updates when I tried forcing it to].This feels like a version update to make some noise around it's 10yr anniversary but not really something that...
New Google Chrome
New look and big update for their 10th birthday 🎂
Emmanuel Lemor
left a review
6yr ago
Google Chrome
A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
Hi Filipe, Thank you for your app but I am puzzled why would you release it in its current state... While the site looks fine enough [even if a bit confusing in the message at times], the actual product, is far inferior in result to other results out on the internet - there are many solutions both online and download that do visually perceptively equivalent image manipulation...
Shrink Me
Compress images with one drag / click
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
6yr ago
Interesting that people are pushing the limits of iOS to do new things but I'm probably the only one that doesn't think this is necessary. Safari works great, is fast, doesn't abuse my privacy like Chrome and is battery efficient - I may consider using Firefox on iOS if it was supported without using yet another app (but would never switch to Chrome).
Set a default browser on iOS without Jailbreaking
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Was really hoping that it would work but tried it on over a dozen websites, and they all came back with (and in most cases in less than 2 seconds): "Stand by... Done. No unused selectors found." In most cases so quickly that I doubt it was checking them or maybe was hitting a barrier and stopping right there - tried it on a dead URL and it came back with the same...
Unused CSS finder
Crawl your website and find unused CSS
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Looks interesting and while I don't agree with Sharif on Firefox Quantum as it has way less problems handling many tabs as Chrome does [hog] - I'm more interested to hear from Ghost Browser on their privacy, security, tracking stance... Are you more like Opera :D and Brave :D or more like Chrome :( ?
Ghost Browser 2.0
The productivity browser that helps you get stuff done. 👻
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Great tech and I used it when it was just in Beta... You forget it's there/you set it up and then boom all of your notes are handled for you. I'm hoping for an entry level plan for small users - while not too expensive @ $ 49/ month for a busy business client, many of my customers are small businesses [< 15 employees] and have very few meetings, they will have a difficult time justifying...
Take real-time notes on conference calls with AI
+1 comment
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Hi Jeevan, Interesting platform but it feels very advantageous for startups and not very much so at all for Beta Testers... I have been a beta tester for more than 20 years and more and more as time progresses, there is this notion that beta testers are a plenty and that we should do what we do for free - for the pleasure of being on the early stage of companies... and that's not *really*...
Where startups meet beta users
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
AWESOME! I don't have a Switch but now... humm ;)
Nintendo Labo
DIY creations for the Nintendo Switch
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Nice design and highly information but OUCH 9.99 € ?!? NOT worth it...
Battery Health 3
In-depth battery usage analysis for your Mac, iPhone & iPad
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
Salut Guillaume, Georges, et Julien, I'm torn here, here are some of the positives: -------------------------------------------- 1. Non-obstrusive vertical menu bar Small Minus: [the pop-over app announcement window with the name of the app, the gear icon and Home (and Add a new account for some apps) needs improvement in terms of UI/UX though it floats out there for no reason [should...
One app to rule them all
Emmanuel Lemor
left a review
7yr ago
One app to rule them all
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
while I am happy to see alternatives - this is by no means 'simple', the UX needs some work :/
A simple, beautiful personal task manager
Emmanuel Lemor
left a review
7yr ago
Inner Selfie Stick
Get the hole picture
Emmanuel Lemor
left a comment
7yr ago
It's not clear to me, when you say it's based on Wordpress, do you mean the code? or that it sits on top of a Wordpress installation or that you were inspired by Wordpress? Some of the options above are fine some are a recipe for disaster :/ lol
Semplice 4
Portfolio system for designers & developers.
+1 comment
Emmanuel Lemor
left a review
7yr ago
Where the designers you admire come to build their portfolio
Emmanuel Lemor
left a review
7yr ago
A Duolingo-style app for Math