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Eric K
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Whitewashing Dog names, because for likes

WeRateDogs the Card Game
The official card game from WeRateDogs

Eric K
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Really great app with a beautiful design 👌🏾

The intelligent to-do app, reimagined

Eric K
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Ok Thanks i will try it

A fun and fully interactive live blogging app for iOS

Eric K
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Yes i have clicked the link in the mail as usual. It send me back to the app and crashed immediately. I have delete the app and reinstalled it, but it don't work.

A fun and fully interactive live blogging app for iOS

Eric K
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The app crashes immediately after I signed up and try to log in. Cant log in anymore. Got a iPhone 7 with iOS 10.2

A fun and fully interactive live blogging app for iOS

Eric K
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Couldn't type a german number in because there's to les space for the number

Neue Store
Alternative to the Apple App Store