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Erez Zukerman
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Homerow is just a fantastic app! I'm a big fan. I'm all about keyboards, and Homerow allows me to reach for my trackball less often. I particularly appreciate the Firefox compatibility mode. I can't wait to see where it goes!

Keyboard shortcuts for every button in macOS

A typing trainer that emphasizes posture and mindfulness over words per minute. What does your body feel like when you're typing?

Keyboard Yoga
A different kind of typing trainer

Erez Zukerman
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Typing trainers tend to focus on the connection between your keyboard and your computer: Words showing up on the screen. So you have to hit certain words-per-minute or accuracy targets, focus on specific letter patterns, and so on.
We wanted to focus on a different connection: The one between your body and your keyboard. So you don't have to type any particular words or hit a words-per-minute...

Keyboard Yoga
A different kind of typing trainer

Many of us look up online product reviews but don't actually read them — we just want to know what's good. So here's a site that does away with the reviews altogether: Just the good stuff.

Try What's Good
A review site, without the reviews

Erez Zukerman
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Hi, friends!
Last year we released the Habit Stick, so we wanted to do something fun this year as well. A few thoughts behind this one:
1) Most people don't read online reviews in full. We're usually just interested in the bottom line — is it good, or not?
2) Some online reviews are affected by commissions/affiliate deals. I wanted something nice and clean that doesn't have any of that.
3) We...

Try What's Good
A review site, without the reviews

The Habit Stick is a new kind of habit tracker: Extremely simple, DIY, tactile, focused, and private. You can make one in two minutes from stuff you might already have lying around.

Habit Stick
Make your New Year's resolutions stick. Free, DIY, focused.

Erez Zukerman
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One way to make New Year's resolutions stick: Making them into habits.
I'm really into habit tracking, but I wasn't happy with the many apps and paper-based systems I tried. I wanted something that wasn't an app, but also didn't crumple in my pocket.
After some experimentation, I came up with this simple idea and wanted to share it. I've been using it for a while now and it's been working...

Habit Stick
Make your New Year's resolutions stick. Free, DIY, focused.