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shashidhar enaganti
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Biggest hazard for self employment is discipline. Procrastination is one big reason, the day you think you can working twice harder than you are working on your job, you can start your solo journey. Money will follow if you do it.
Should you quit your job to work on your side project?
Jose Leon
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shashidhar enaganti
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Products from real world is the simplest answer. But you are processing real world with your thought process, in business which could wrong 99% of times and only 1% succeed, that's been the story of Tech Start Up across the globe. Innovation has to be backed by dollar value. Value innovation is real word for creators and consumers.
Where do you look for your product ideas?
James Gil
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shashidhar enaganti
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Like It. The idea behind the bot, which focuses on getting the routine or mundane work done swiftly. Totally agree to the point that technology will not rob human jobs, they add value to human life else half of the world would have been still in textile mills

A single bot that can do everything 🤖💬

shashidhar enaganti
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Essential for young entrepreneurs.
Business Starter Kit
Free must-have books and tools for business owners

shashidhar enaganti
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Looks like for crypto. Few hits and few misses for me
The ultimate crypto news aggregator

shashidhar enaganti
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Curious, but could their be a AV demo publicly available.

Front-end-as-a-service for businesses

shashidhar enaganti
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Liked the concept and the execution. Healthy list of sports which are engaged on the site makes it even better, a global reach
Become a paid sports blogger

shashidhar enaganti
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Could not see how it works as the login is only with facebook account.

Send your voice messages in an exciting new way!

shashidhar enaganti
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Looks promising, our team would further view what best can be achieved if we use the services of dribble hiring. Will post once reviewed.

Dribbble Hiring
Find and hire amazing design talent

shashidhar enaganti
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Building community, have to wait till it goes live with testing.
Earn money for testing websites, right from your couch.

shashidhar enaganti
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Liked the idea behind the app. Not so much on the page navigation

Instant idea feedback and validation from entrepreneurs

shashidhar enaganti
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As crypto's are evolving into more of trading and arbitrage opportunities, CV app is helpful
Crypto alerts from multiple exchanges

shashidhar enaganti
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Forced to sign in, helpful app if you rely know what the output be

Thunkable ✕
The platform where anyone can build their own mobile apps