Emmanuel Lefort

Emmanuel Lefort

Building the Shazam for your Thoughts
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Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
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Go go go !
Next-gen influencer marketing tailored for startups and SMB
Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
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We are working on a new (and pretty cool) idea!

But shush..... We can't tell you. Not because we are afraid of being stolen the idea, not at all :) In fact we will be talking about it a LOT in the next few weeks. No, shush... because we need to collect DATA and VALIDATE first. And if we tell you what the product is, this might bias your answers. So please take 5 minutes (I promise it really only takes 5') to complete this survey, and the...
Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
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We just launched on PH on May 2nd and this is clearly the main driver for these past 48hours!
Martina Hackbartt
What's the primary source leading traffic to your website right now?
Martina Hackbartt
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Emmanuel Lefort
We suffer from information overload in a world filled with noise and yet we need to surface knowledge 'fast'. With so many productivity apps out there - why are none able to capture thoughts messily and organise them intuitively?

Well...say hello to Weavit.
Capture and Organise your thoughts on mobile
Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
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Where are you on the Adoption bell curve? 🔔

Everybody knows the famous adoption curve with innovators, early adopters etc. I would really be curious to know where all of you ProductHunters lie !! So: as far as new products, Apps, tech, are concerned, in which category are you?
Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
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Where are you on the adoption "bell" curve 🔔 ?

We all know the acquisition/adoption bell curve: - 2.5% Innovators - 13.5% Early Adopters - 34% Early Majority - 34% Late Majority - 16% Laggards 20 years ago I would clearly have been in the 2.5%, but with the age I'm leaning more towards the EA/EM crowd... I'd really be curious to know who you ProductHunters are !
Emmanuel Lefort
Emmanuel Lefort
started a discussion

Working in silence?

I tried working in a noisy open space. I tried working with music. I tried working with the TV on. I'm really at my best in deep silence. What's your best setup when you need to focus?