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Emery Andrew
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Big fan of this community & what they are all about. Thanks for being you Entre!
Social network for entrepreneurs, investors, and freelancers

CCPA has created a massive influx of cookie banners. Why do these have to look so terrible and provide so little value to your site visitors? We built a new cookie banner experience to manage CCPA, Facebook Limited Data Use and engage with site visitors.
e-Privacy by Loginhood
Cookie banners that don't suck

Emery Andrew
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Hey Product Hunt community!
We’re excited to share our re-imagined cookie banners, which handle CCPA & Facebook's Limited Data Use compliance through an interface that isn’t a terrible user experience.
At Loginhood, we think these new privacy restrictions can actually be a great opportunity to build a better relationship with your site visitors. So we built compliance banners with...
e-Privacy by Loginhood
Cookie banners that don't suck

Emery Andrew
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Data is valuable to brands/marketers/advertisers/etc., but not for individuals. So how is data the most valuable asset in the world? It takes a LOT of data to make it worthwhile, usually more than 1 persons worth of data.
Consumers are waking up to the misuse of their data, hence the legal regulatory jumps being made with CCPA and other e-Privacy changes (browsers, too!)
"If you choose to...

Data Dividend Project
Our data is our property. Take back control over your data.

Emery Andrew
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Is CCPA something people are actively implementing their own solution for?
Is My Website CCPA Compliant?
A review of your site + California privacy law

CCPA is live. Learn if your site implements the IAB US Privacy API standards accurately, review cookies, and assess your 3rd party analytics & advertising vendors. Learn more about California's privacy law and if a Consent Management Platform is right for you.
Is My Website CCPA Compliant?
A review of your site + California privacy law

Emery Andrew
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Hey Product Hunt community!
We’re excited to share with you our very own California Consumer Privacy Act Website Scan tool. After others (👏 CCPA Compliance Checklist) created tools surrounding the CCPA’s informative aspects, like the differences from GDPR and legal specifics of CCPA for your business, we wanted to pair that with our own tool: a website scanner that gives you insight into:
✅ -...
Is My Website CCPA Compliant?
A review of your site + California privacy law

Emery Andrew
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How do you think this platform can enable Chrome & Firefox extension developers to handle their details / information almost like a "profile" in the future? Sort of like a "Yelp for Extensions" - cool idea!

Extension Rank
Discover extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers

Emery Andrew
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After having spent many dev hours on a custom referral program, I think many others would also agree they had wished they’d seen this sooner. Will give it a try!

GrowSurf 2.0
Create a custom refer-a-friend program for your site

Emery Andrew
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Big fan of the legal resources and thought put into this CCPA checklist. It’s refreshing compared to most articles that often repeat things.
CCPA is just the beginning ☺️

CCPA Compliance Checklist
Easily check how or if you need to comply with CCPA.