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Wishlist creator 👉 share your list and let your family and friends reserve items so you avoid getting duplicates and wrong sizes.
Child accounts 👉 Manage your young kids' accounts.
Gift archive 👉 Remember what you gave and got.
FREE! Ad-free!
Child accounts 👉 Manage your young kids' accounts.
Gift archive 👉 Remember what you gave and got.
FREE! Ad-free!

Create & share wishlists with family and friends

Emma Agering
left a comment
Launch is the first step towards building a great product and we're hoping you'll be part of our journey! This tool was built to drastically simplify the communication around our kids' wishlists for birthdays and Christmas - but then it grew into something bigger than that. We hope you guys find it useful too!
We've got loads of ideas on features to add, but we'd love to hear what would...

Create & share wishlists with family and friends

Emma Agering
left a comment
I’ve used it daily for a few weeks and can only say that it is really awesome. Audio is good, but for me the best feature are the persistant rooms.

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Video calls for the future of hybrid-remote work