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Elton Lin
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I was disillusioned with how even the "world-class technology universities" like MIT are, in reality, rife with backwards, traditionalist dogma about education, like "if we release video material than students will only sit in their rooms". You'd think alright, there are definitely merits to prioritizing in-person experiences in theory. Then you see the reality...2 TAs outnumbered by 30...
Low-cost group tutoring made possible by blackboard videos

Directly ask for explanations about linear algebra, algorithms etc. from "youtube teachers". This combines the clarity of an in-person explanation with the efficiency of async communication, and is much cheaper - $10/month instead of hourly private tutoring.
Low-cost group tutoring made possible by blackboard videos

Elton Lin
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I went through all the steps of visiting on my laptop, seeing it's an iOS app, downloading it on my phone, signed in with email (no Google Sign in option etc.), checking my email to get a magic link, only to see that a free trial with auto-subscription is the only option to try the app.
I hate this design flaw. Just be upfront about this instead of making the user find out at the end after...

Know where your time goes

Besides from minimizing the effort it takes to teach, any blackboard explanation can be turned into a lightweight, fileless video with 5-200x less memory than traditional videos.
Looking for product feedback - it's ready to use anytime.

Open education with crowdsourced blackboard videos

Elton Lin
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As Comp. Sci. classes got harder at college, I got stuck more often, and wouldn't be able to get help. Office Hours would have an immensely long wait-time, and my peers would be too busy to help me, so I got bitter. This project was, in that sense, made as an attempt to save myself from graduating late.

Open education with crowdsourced blackboard videos