Ellis Pinsky

Ellis Pinsky

21 y/o builder & aspiring entrepreneur
44 points
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Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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The team at every is great and I love their product!
Incorporate your tech startup for $0
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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How to find problems in a niche I want to build in?

Im really interested in consumer cybersecurity & consumer fitness. More specifically encouraging people to workout more in a social way and on the cyber side protecting consumers from identity theft , disinformation etc. I am technical but I don't know where to start on a specific product / painpoint to address!
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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custom, quick mvp development: https://ellispinsky.com/work
Priyanka Saini
Pitch your product in 5 words and share link
Priyanka Saini
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Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Lets connect with eachother on twitter!

Comment your twitter's so other builders can connect with you! Heres mine: https://twitter.com/ellispinsky_
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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twitter! https://twitter.com/ellispinsky_
Ghost Kitty
Which social media platforms are you active on?
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Business Marketing with Nika
Which IRL activities keep you sane (AKA) those where presence online is not needed?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Connect with me! https://twitter.com/ellispinsky_
Sanket Goyal
Let's connect on Product Hunt and Twitter/X to grow our reach!
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
started a discussion

Took the leap and launched my MVP prototyping business!

I've been building out my own "ideas" for years and realized I love the lifecycle of taking an idea and turning it into a product. Graduating college in May I decided now was the time to take a risk and launch if I wanted to avoid going into FT work. With this service im building out App's, WebApp's and Software! Please reach out if I can be helpful or answer any...
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Taking product to market after successful PH launch

Last week I launched InTheNextHour https://www.producthunt.com/products/in-the-next-hour-i-will I am now trying to think of ways to take it to market and get feedback from users who suffer from procrastination + lack of accountability. Would love your feedback / advice on where to start.
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Pledge to do {x}, if you dont... pay up.
Explain your product in 10 words only
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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I launched a few days ago and I found being engaged with the discussion to be beneficial
What's your key advice for a successful product launch on Product Hunt?
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Drink some sangria after I launched my product today!
How do you decompress after a long day of being a Maker?
Vanessa Franz
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Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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just launch! I launched today!
Artem Luko
How did you validate your product idea before diving into development?
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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just launch! so i did today! would love for you to check it out
Alexey Anshakov
What is the best PH advice you have received?
Alexey Anshakov
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Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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wait until its live! I launched my product today. Would love for you to check it out & comment!
Guillaume C
Need help! Is it better to launch on PH with a waitlist or to wait until our product is live?
Ellis Pinsky
Ellis Pinsky
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Launching in public! I launched my product today. Would love for you to check it out & comment!
Ghulam Abbas
What growth strategies have worked best for your startup?