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Want to see who someone tweets about the most? Try Tweetfalcon to see someones top hashtags and user mentions, as well as the top tweets for each of those.

Analyze Twitter profiles for top user mentions and hashtags.

Eemil Zhang
left a comment
This contract is quite extensive in terms of functionality, if anyone needs help implementing it for a specific use case, feel free to email me at
- Eemil 😄

Crypto Collectible Maker
A simple widget for creating an ERC721 contract, $30.

Create your own Crypto Collectible. This contract allows you to mint unique, numbered tokens. Every minted token can be customized by adding individual pictures, descriptions, or attributes. Order e-mails include a basic faq. A well known example of an existing ERC721 contract is the CryptoKitties project.
This contract is fully ERC721 compliant.

Crypto Collectible Maker
A simple widget for creating an ERC721 contract, $30.

Eemil Zhang
left a comment
Hey, we also have the backend for a lot of other contracts. If anyone has any suggestions regarding specific features/implementations, do let us know!

ERC20 Widget
No-code, smart contract deployment tool.

A simple web app for automatically deploying an ERC20 contract. Requires no-code, is easy to use, and only costs $10.

ERC20 Widget
No-code, smart contract deployment tool.