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You can now video conference and share your desktop, iPhone or Android screens with your Slack colleagues. Just install the SEE app into your Slack and type /see command. You'll get a link back to instantly start a session. No need to register or login.
See for Slack
Free screen sharing and video conferencing in Slack

Egor Egorov
left a comment
Hey everyone,
I built the web app, so feel free to send any questions or criticisms about it my way.
There are some limitations because the technologies we use are not supported in all browsers. For example, the screen share feature only works in Firefox and Chrome. We plan to combat these issues by creating a desktop app in the near future.
I'm currently working on an integration with...
See - Group Screen Share
Screen share on iOS, Android and Web

See is the all-new way to hangout with your friends.
See lets you share your mobile screen so you can laugh at your friend's gameplay, help them pick their perfect outfit and even swipe together!
Just send a link to your friends. No login required.
See - Group Screen Share
Screen share on iOS, Android and Web