Enrico Corradini

Enrico Corradini

Android & iOS Developer
11 points
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Enrico Corradini
Discover personality traits that align with 10 disorders like Paranoid, Borderline, or Narcissistic. Not diagnostic, just for self-awareness. Features: adaptive questions, result tracking, detailed profiles and results evaluation.
Personality Disorders Test
Personality Disorders Test
A full test to find your personality disorders
Enrico Corradini
MockTranslateX uses AI to effortlessly translate your SVG mockups into code in your preferred programming language. Our tool supports any existing language. Simply load your SVG file, choose your preferred programming language, and voila!
Translate SVG mockups into code effortlessly and save time
Enrico Corradini
Epylogue will propose you different questions during the day. An AI will write you a diary page based on your answers. Every day you have to answer the questions unlocked at 9am, 3pm and 9pm. Once this is done, you can generate the story.
The self-writing diary
Enrico Corradini
HSight is an app available only on Huawei AppGallery.
HSight uses the latest artificial intelligence technologies to help you find the perfect aphorism for your photo.
The aphorisms are generated by an artificial intelligence.
AI generated captions based on your photos
Enrico Corradini
TBot responds to your requests based on what you ask for, in a different way each time. Thanks to OpenAI's artificial intelligence, TBot doesn't respond to you based on a series of pre-packaged answers, but generates the answer, based on the text you type.
TBot  AI assistant
TBot AI assistant
TBot is a generator of ideas, stories, recipes and much more