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Discover 100+ creative markets where you can start earning passive income on your digital assets

The best places to sell design online

Nick K.
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Hello Product Hunt people. First of all, I am fully aware that AI is going to destroy all creative professions and this is a grim time to release this website. However, I still think there are a lot of great opportunities for designers and other creatives to make passive income on their digital assets.
I compiled a list of 100+ creative marketplaces while looking for a few more opportunities...

The best places to sell design online

Nick K.
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Hello Product Hunt,
We created Salarybot after riding the GME rollercoaster and realizing that our trivial investments were nothing compared to our day job earnings. So, we made a Slackbot that brings more attention to your salary so you can track it and truly appreciate it!
This is the barebones version and we're looking to make improvements, so please let us know if you have any feedback....

A Slack bot that treats every day like payday

Nick K.
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I'm a big fan of this music discovery site. They recently updated the UI for their 2.0 launch. You can get really granular with your preferences. Fun interface with interesting and sometimes bizarre music recommendations.

Radiooooo 2.0
The musical time machine, now with more granular search

The Musical Time Machine. Pick a decade, pick a country and enjoy the new Radiooooo 2.0!

Radiooooo 2.0
The musical time machine, now with more granular search

Nick K.
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Hello people, I hope you enjoy Big Mail!
Backstory: I have a surplus of stationary in my apartment (paper, envelopes, and sharpies) so I figured, why not try to raise some money while off-loading this stuff?!
Send someone a very memorable big handwritten letter and I'll donate the profits to a charity of your choice. That's the product. Please upvote! Thank you!

Big Mail
Big handwritten letters. 100% of profits donated to charity.

Do you miss your commute? Shelter-in-place got you down? Enjoy nine free BART-themed phone wallpapers and finally remember what it's like to ride Bay Area Rapid Transit.
SF BART Wallpapers
Free phone backgrounds for commuters sheltered in place

Nick K.
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Hello friends, this is not really a product and probably shouldn't be hunted, but because of the Bay Area shelter-in-place mandate and, consequently, BART's abysmal ridership this past week, I thought it would fun to share a few BART-themed wallpapers. Please enjoy!
SF BART Wallpapers
Free phone backgrounds for commuters sheltered in place

Nick K.
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Hello people of all ages! As millenials continue to age, they will need emojis that represent them. That is why I created Eldermojis - not only for the underrepresented tech seniors of the world, but for all of us as we get older and need to feel accepted via chat.
This is a no code project using Procreate (drawing), Carrd (website), Photoshop (resizing, touch-ups) and Xcode (iMessage sticker...
99 hand-drawn, naturally-aged emojis to empower the elderly

Eldermojis is a free iMessage sticker pack of 99 hand-drawn and naturally-aged emojis. They're an old twist on the classic emojis. Senior with iPhones are no longer forgotten! Empower the elderly and download today!
99 hand-drawn, naturally-aged emojis to empower the elderly

Nick K.
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I already have a store with paying subscribers. Can I port over my existing subscriber data?
Plasso Storefront
Accept payments and sell anything from anywhere.

Nick K.
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Looks like Google material design to me
A smart notebook that grows and collaborates with you

Nick K.
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love the color palette!
Sans Francisco
A collection of tools and resources for designers

Nick K.
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Hello Product Hunt friends, I launched an iOS and Android app called Neon Bible in late March. It's exactly what it sounds like: The bible in neon colors. Is it great? Absolutely not. Does it work? Yes, kinda. Is it revolutionary? Very much so.
Any thoughts on where to go next (gifs, illustrations, social sharing, etc) or general feedback would be much appreciated!

Neon Bible
The bible, electric

Neon Bible is the most revolutionary version of the King James bible ever! Read the old and new testaments like never before. It's the bible, electric.

Neon Bible
The bible, electric