Dominic Jacquesson

Dominic Jacquesson

Index Ventures, VP Insight | VP Talent
86 points
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Dominic Jacquesson
Index Ventures analyzed 200,000+ employee profiles from more than 200 startups, and packed the data into TeamPlan to help founders benchmark their team growth and composition against the most successful tech companies, from 0 to 500 headcount.
Org design benchmarking tool for startups
Dominic Jacquesson
OptionPlan Seed is the go to app for founders designing their ESOP. It uses the latest benchmark data from 20,000 option grants from 1,600 start ups to cover every role in the team, providing 6 different levels of allocation benchmarks.
OptionPlan Seed
OptionPlan Seed
Helping seed-stage founders design stock option plans
Dominic Jacquesson
ExpansionPlan from Index Ventures helps European founders determine the best strategy for US expansion and answers strategic questions such as: When to expand? Does the founder have to move? Who should our first US hires be? Where to build our leadership team?
Identifies the best US expansion strategy for your startup
Dominic Jacquesson
Rewarding Talent by Index Ventures
Rewarding Talent by Index Ventures
Handbook on stock options + OptionPlan web app
Dominic Jacquesson

Stock options are critical for hiring and retaining the best talent. But to create an effective plan, entrepreneurs need to know how much to award to each team member, and how much this could be worth to them. OptionPlan is based on the largest ever set of benchmark data, and can be easily tailored to your needs.

Design a stock option plan with benchmarks for every role
Dominic Jacquesson
Expanding into Europe
Expanding into Europe
A guide for US entrepreneurs on how to launch in Europe