All activity

- High fidelity sound
- Immersive spatial audio
- Instant type feedback
- Up/down keystrokes
- Randomizable mapping
- Customizable switches
- Menubar app extension
- Blazing fast native app
Satisfying sound with every keystroke

Bonjeff is a Mac app that shows you a live display of the Bonjour services published on your network. Bonjeff is intended as a replacement for the discontinued Bonjour Browser app by Tildesoft.

Mac app that shows you the Bonjour services on your network.

Discovery displays all of the Bonjour services available on the local network. Use it to debug your latest program, detect computers connected to your network, or just keep tabs on what services are available. Perfect for network admins or developers!

DNS-SD (Bonjour) Browser

A complete suite for agile scrum, Sprints by Ora is provides your team
with the ability to estimate stories in story points assign stories to sprints
see a burn-down, velocity and and other useful metrics.
As part of Ora, Sprints are free to up to 3 members.
Ora is the cleanest, most versatile and customizable workspace
you will ever find.
Sprints by Ora
Simple, but powerful Agile Project Management

Microsoft + Github = ❤️. Make it official by giving your Github experience some Windows XP flare.

Github XP
Give Github some Windows XP flare 🔥

Dimitar Nestorov
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When the Product Hunt API and Messenger API have a baby

Product Hunt for Messenger
The best way to stay up to date with all things PH 😽

Dimitar Nestorov
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Pros: On the App Store.
Cons: High Sierra is a minimum requirement.

Convert videos to high-quality GIFs