Notion To Social allows users to turn their notion social media planner into a social media scheduler. Currently supports posting scheduled tweets from notion.
Many products on Amazon have coupons for extra savings but Amazon does not apply them by default. If a coupon exists, Auto-Coupon will apply it for you.
Even though it's easy to reach out, it's also easy to forget to keep in touch with friends, family, old coworkers, etc. Keep-In-Touch empowers you to easily build a system to receive scheduled reminders of who you should reach out to today!
It is a pain to stay on top of all your financial accounts. Logging into multiple accounts. Financial Snapshot is a scheduled email report of your finances. It provides you with a weekly snapshot of your current net worth, account balances, and transactions.
QR Contact Tracer is a tool to easily and safely contact trace your customers. It does this by using a QR code that allows customers to input their data on their phone. Check it out!
XplorePlaces is a tool to find the best metro areas and counties in the United States. It does this by ranking a variety of different data points to show what places have a strong base to invest or live in.
Vizlyte is a mapping 🗺tool for marketers who utilize the consumer profiling software called Gfk MRI. Vizlyte uses the data pulled from the "Doublebase" and "Market-By-Market" studies and visualizes the highest concentrated markets.