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Daniel Mirolli
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“Mia is the future of communication between businesses and consumers,” said Signpost CEO Stuart Wall. “B2C companies have long shied away from CRM systems, because they’re complicated, time consuming, and built for companies with dedicated sales teams. The average CRM forces users to manually upload leads, cross-reference data streams like email, text and purchases; and perhaps most onerous,...

The world's first automated AI driven CRM

The world's first automated AI driven CRM

Daniel Mirolli
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I really like the design aesthetic you've built here. Simple reading, clean conversions, great photos. Well done

How I Travel
Meet the world's most interesting travelers.

Daniel Mirolli
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@Lessig2016 has been crowdfunding a presidential campaign in the hopes of having the shortest, and most singularly focused presidency in US history. Why? Because by the beginning of August a small faction of the wealthiest Americans had given >50% of all campaign contributions (source below). Can it possibly be presumed that these people speak for >50% of the American public? You can see...

Lessig: 6 Days Left to Fix Democracy
The First Crowdfunded Referendum President - Lawrence Lessig

Lessig: 6 Days Left to Fix Democracy
The First Crowdfunded Referendum President - Lawrence Lessig

Daniel Mirolli
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Just another incumbent copying Square's $Cashtags... meh

Request money using your own personalized URL.

Daniel Mirolli
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Potentially a Slack competitor? Really love the To-Do Scrum and CRM functionality

Where chat and work come together

Daniel Mirolli
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Really clean. Crazy seeing the breadth of the tile UI from StartupStash on through to others - lots of encouraging stories on here

Explore Startup Timelines
Timelines of Twitter, Pinterest, Slack & other startups

Daniel Mirolli
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New York Teleport
Find the cost & commute optimal place to live around NYC

Daniel Mirolli
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Anyone else immediately think of the mirror trick from The Mummy? Really like this - potential use with underground subways and housing?

A smart robot that bends sunlight where you want it.

Daniel Mirolli
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Watched these guys via the Launch Conference Live Stream and was so impressed. High quality machining, exact specifications, top quality materials AND that delivery time!?! All that's left is drone delivery! Might have to use these guys when I switch apartments

BenchMade Modern
By-the-inch custom sofas, made in the U.S. in 24 hours

Daniel Mirolli
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Every month or so I see an idea or product that gets me really excited to be a dad one day. Love this concept!

Kiwi Crate
Every month, new adventures for young innovators

Daniel Mirolli
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Been using this for several months now (c. 9) and have gotten good feedback from coworkers in a company that can't / won't use HipChat or Slack

Five Sentences
A challenge to keep all emails 5 sentences or less.

Daniel Mirolli
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Dude, you have no idea how much time this will save me. Thank you!

Timewarp keeps you focused & encouraged with kind reminders

The Magnetic Tea Infusing Vessel

Daniel Mirolli
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Why do so many people have a problem with Kirksville!?!

Fortinet Threat Map
Watch real time cyber-attacks taking place on world map

Daniel Mirolli
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Prime members in selected areas (including NYC!!!) now receive FREE Same-Day Delivery on qualifying orders over $35. 14 cities and counting!

Free Same-Day Delivery for Amazon Prime
Over a million items, delivered before bedtime.

Free Same-Day Delivery for Amazon Prime
Over a million items, delivered before bedtime.

Daniel Mirolli
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Love the mindset behind the app! First prompts more or less force you to make 'mistakes' to dismiss this pass/fail learning bias we all have in learning. Will definitely be using along with the Michel Thomas method. Thanks for sharing!

Take your language skills to the next level

Daniel Mirolli
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@Jason - love the app and iterations it went through. In answer to your questions.
1. add @producthunt ability to "add to your collections" for building out fav stories, podcasts, vids, etc. Keep ppl in the app, not exporting to Pocket or Evernote.
2. Would love to see Inside 3D Printing (overlaps Inside Space, maker community, disrupting big boy manufacturers) & Inside Synthetic Bio...

Inside Drones
Latest news, videos and podcasts about drones