David Ciaffoni

David Ciaffoni

Illusion.ai πŸ’¬βœ…
155 points
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David Ciaffoni
Simply paste your LinkedIn profile URL to generate a stunning personal website in seconds with AI. Then choose from countless beautiful templates + customize your layout, color and type with ease. You can also connect or buy your own domain.
Polywork AI
Polywork AI
Paste your LinkedIn to generate a personal website in 60secs
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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did this like a year ago. illusion.ai
Conversations by Typeform
Turn any static web page into a dynamic exchange
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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Literally just https://illusion.ai
A JavaScript framework to build conversational UIs πŸ€–
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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https://illusion.ai πŸ˜‰
Landbot.io - Conversational Landing Page
Lead generation landing page as chatbot
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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Stupid name
MacOS High Sierra
MacOS High Sierra
Apple's newest MacOS update
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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Really love the landing page design! Might be cool to make the screenshot of the app a gif.
Ask Tia
Ask Tia
Your personal, private, digital women's health assistant
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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Trying too hard to be trendy/hip
Hyperlocal live stream platform
David Ciaffoni
Conversational UI as a service
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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I've been wanting something like this for sooooo long! Great job! πŸ’―
Launchpad for Sketch
Launchpad for Sketch
Publish responsive HTML websites directly from Sketch
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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This is a really terrible idea.
Block sad/depressing news from your social feeds
David Ciaffoni
The days top stories in a conversational format
David Ciaffoni
The days top stories in a bite size conversational format
David Ciaffoni
David Ciaffoni
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How did this get 444 upvotes? It's just a glorified notes app...
Keep track of the things people owe you
David Ciaffoni
Send and receive confessions from friends anonymously