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David Bauer
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Congratulations on the launch! I'm curious if you could share a bit more about how this works from a tech perspective. What stack are you using? And what were some surprising realisations you had while developing this feature – things that were much harder than you thought or way easier than anticipated?

Daily Brief by Meco
Personalized podcasts made from your newsletters

David Bauer
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Audience analytics had been one of Ghost's very few weak spots — no more. This is big!

Ghost 5.0
Publishing, newsletters, memberships & subscriptions

The 3rd game in the You Don't Know Africa ( series. The challenge is simple: Identify the flags of African countries, as fast as you can. But simple isn't easy. Are you ready to embarrass yourself?
Free and ad-free.
Free and ad-free.

You Don't Know African Flags
Like flags? This is your game.

David Bauer
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Hi everyone! Happy to be back, with a new edition of my You Don't Know Africa game series. This time it's all about flags.
Hope you enjoy the game – even though «enjoy» might be the wrong term here for what's going the be a humbling experience for most users 😀 (it certainly is for me, even after playing it countless times during development and testing)
If you have feedback or questions – I'd...

You Don't Know African Flags
Like flags? This is your game.

David Bauer
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Love what you're building here!

Actually read articles saved for later

David Bauer
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When I started using Faves, I didn't think I needed yet another place for discovering and sharing content. After a couple of weeks, I stand corrected. Fun to use, and I always discover valuable things I would otherwise have missed. So everybody join and multiply the fun :-)
Curated content from Silicon Valley's greatest minds

David Bauer
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That looks really impressive, congrats!
Job Tracker by Teal
Track and organize your entire job search in one place.

David Bauer
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Both fun and intriguing. Would love to learn more about what's happening under the hood.

This Word Does Not Exist
AI generated English words with dictionary definitions

With every click, a new AI-invented word, complete with pronunciation and dictionary definition.

This Word Does Not Exist
AI generated English words with dictionary definitions

A simple hard game: How many African countries can you name from memory? Try it yourself and challenge friends. Free and ad-free.
The sequel to You Dont Know Africa, which has been played almost 1.5m times in all countries in the world.

You Still Don't Know Africa
How many African countries can you name from memory?

David Bauer
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Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy the game – even though «enjoy» might be the wrong term here for what's going the be a humbling experience for most users 😀
Don't judge too harshly, this has been a little side project, mostly to keep my modest coding skills alive while life keeps me busy with other things. If you have feedback or questions – I'd love to hear them!
For now, the game is only...

You Still Don't Know Africa
How many African countries can you name from memory?

David Bauer
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Hey everyone, thanks for hunting this. This oracle was co-produced by my team @nzzstorytelling and @webk1d. Let us know if you have any questions.
We've published the algorithm that powers the oracle here, in case you want to dig deeper or use it yourself.

Euro 2016 Oracle
A data-driven oracle to predict the Euro 2016 Champions

David Bauer
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Kinda embarrassing that it took me so long (then again, this game is all about being embarrassed), but finally works on mobile. You can now save it to your home screen and play whenever* you need a refresher. 📱🤔
* often, trust me

You Don't Know Africa
This game will teach you a lesson.

Presidential – George Washington
The man, the myth, the legend

David Bauer
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Reminded me of Bitly for Feelings:

Facebook Reactions
A more expressive Like button

Music lovers share their 78 favourite songs

David Bauer
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Love that book! If you're interested, you might wanna help document all predictions made in the book and which of them have become realities:

Super Sad True Love Story
A satirical, dystopian, and hilarious novel

Summer of Code
Challenge yourself and learn to code