Today, we are thrilled to announce that we are launching a Spendee bot. His name is Dollar 💲 and his main goal is to help you stick to your New Year’s money resolutions. You can select whether you want to save money, spend less or reduce your debt and Dollar will send you tips, reminders, and suggestions with actionable steps.

Everything we do in Spendee is meant to make people money management less stressful and less time consuming. Introducing transfers will make it even more straightforward. Say goodbye to a complicated way of recording movements across your wallets. You can now easily track movements between your wallets and/or bank accounts. Welcome Transfers!

Spendee web app enables you to understand your finances in bigger picture. The core features are identical to the mobile app (adding transactions, analysis….), however more analytical functions will be introduced in web version in order to enable more in-depth look. Understanding your finances gets much more convenient starting today.