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David Bellaiche
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Waw! Well done Anthony and the team - as usual your vision of the product is flawless and on point! Very impressed by the product. Small question, every time my Notion Knowledge base gets new pages, does your system also get refreshed?
AI assistant for employee support

David Bellaiche
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Hi guys! I really love your concept! I am currently using it in London, and beside the fact that it's a complely new way of discovering people in a fun way, I really love the interface! You guys did an amazing job and I already started meeting people here! THANKS!

Connect over 3-minute blurred video calls ❤️

David Bellaiche
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Great job guys!! That’s exactly the kind of thing I am looking for when I hire a freelance and I don’t want him to register to a freelance platform. What about your platform fees?

Compliance and payments for remote teams

David Bellaiche
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Very good idea! Very interesting concept! Which city would you plan to start on?

List your home and only accept the offers you love 🏡

David Bellaiche
left a comment
Very usefull guys! And very nice design/ux

All your social pages in one place

David Bellaiche
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Finally a really useful app! 🤑🚀😁

Snapchat & Instagram giveaways made easy

David Bellaiche
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Looking forward to try to web version! It seems that the team has exponentialy increased! Congrats!
Tribe Calls
Skype, made simple. Cross platform & shareable links.

David Bellaiche
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Hey Clement! Just tried your product and it's very fun! How is it different from other usial chatbot AI we see?

Hugging Face
The Tamagotchi powered by Artificial Intelligence 🤗

David Bellaiche
left a comment
Amazing guys!! Do you deliver in London, uk?
Connected dashcam with safety alerts & apps

David Bellaiche
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Very nice tool guys! Just a small question, if finally I don't use the card in the next hour, what happen to the money? Is the money is coming back to my bitcoin wallet? Thanks

Shakepay Instant
Pay with Bitcoin with instantly generated VISA cards 💳

David Bellaiche
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Amazing! Thanks for doing that! I don't know how facebook do, but each time i come to facebook for a specific thing and i get lost on the newsfeed as soon as i see it ! They are good

Newsfeed Burner
Burn away distractions on Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube

David Bellaiche
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Waw!! That's the browser I was waiting for so long!! I really appreciate the bottom tab navigation. Once you tried it it's difficult to move to something else! You guys rock 🚀🚀
Self-driving Internet. The first AI-powered mobile browser.

David Bellaiche
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hey @una it's an amazing tool you did here!! Is there a way to save the image with the filter? many thanks!!

Recreate Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend mode

David Bellaiche
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Waw bravo guys! That was something that I really wanted! Be able to see a map of where my pictures have been taken! Wish you best of luck!
All your photos in one app

David Bellaiche
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The picture is amazing! I like also the concept of meeting people in real life without spending countless time swipping right! Nice shot guys!

The first-ever Pokémon GO dating service

David Bellaiche
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Nice! From where do you get the discounts?

Big Bertha
Bot that searches for restaurant deals around you

David Bellaiche
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For the moment, most bar have been added in Paris and in Europe, but if you know great one around you please add it!

EuroBot 2016
Find bars near you to watch Euro 2016 live