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Hot Links enables teams to reduce link clutter in Slack channels by aggregating and sending you a weekly digest. It’s that simple.
Hot Links (Beta)
A weekly roundup of links shared in public Slack channels.

An open-source project that takes Google Cal time blocks, imports it in bulk, infers project type from metadata, and publishes to Harvest... because on our deathbeds, we should all wish we spent more time at work.
Harvest Reaper
A simple tool for automating time-tracking.

BitcoinRegret.Club is – simply put – a regret calculator. Enter a dollar value and date, and voilà – an amount of money that’s sure to induce grief. You can even convert your result into real world goods (e.g. Falcon 9, iPhone). Welcome to the club.
From ISL, the creators of Fake News: The Game and Viable.
A simple tool that reminds us all how bad we screwed up.

Fake News: The Game (for Alexa)
It's Fun for The Whole Democracy

Fake News: The Game
A game of facts & falsehoods

PAW: Puppies At Work
Slack-integrated tracking that keeps tabs of dogs in work