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Dan Ruswick ☕️
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This seems substantially more expensive than other bootcamps I've seen. It is longer, which could indicate more depth/a better curriculum, but plenty of short bootcamps still have great outcomes so it's unclear is a longer program is going to improve your employability. A lot of bootcamps cost half as much, take half as long and still have very good hiring outcomes.
As far as the pricing...

Lambda School
A full Computer Science education - free until you get a job

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I tried to use an Amazon locker to return a product last week and it was a terrible experience. Several days went by with no confirmation or anything like that, and I'm still not even sure if the product ever got picked up. If Amazon can't even run their own lockers (and there are only like a handful in all of Chicago so how hard can it be) I have serious doubts about their ability to run...

Hub by Amazon
Receive packages from anyone, any time.

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Seems cool, but very disappointed there is no Android app. Seems pretty obvious that the development resources spent making the chrome extension (lets be honest no one needs news from a chrome extension) could have gone to making an android app

Bloomberg Lens
Scan the news. Get more insight. Anywhere you are.

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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This app straight up doesn't work. Keep getting timeouts and network errors.
Replace your public email with an inbox that pays you.

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I think it's a disingenuous to include Uber without some kind of disclaimer. They tried to break the NYC taxi strike by artificially deflating prices. It blew up in their face, which is why Travis tried to save face with the donation after the fact. It should be noted on the site that they were pro ban (or at least anti strike) before public pressure caused a reversal.

Great Company
Companies that oppose the recently issued immigration order

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Hey everyone, I searched around for a site that gives what day it is "in Trump's America" but I couldn't find one, so I made this. I'm considering adding a countdown timer until the next election as well. Let me know what you think!

Day X Under Trump
"Today is day X in Trump's America"

Day X Under Trump
"Today is day X in Trump's America"

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Is this real or is it HBO's viral marketing? I really can't tell.
Meet by Nucleus
Your new smarter, contextual calendar app

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I'm not sure I see the value in limiting the task-runners to students. For the client, it seems to artificially-limit the size of the labor pool. For the student, its simply another one of many on-demand services that are already competing for their labor. The market for cheap college labor is already saturated by services like these.
Most of the suggested tasks on the website are also things...

TaskRabbit for verified college students

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I used dark sky for about two years. It's a good app but since the developers started to offer their prediction service as an api, other apps have started to include their prediction data. I use Weather Line, which (I think) uses the Dark Sky prediction service and whose interface I prefer. Check the Weather is another good one.

Dark Sky 5
Weather app that predicts if it will rain or snow (and more)

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I'm noticing some inconsistency between what is displayed on the mobile render and what I see when I pull something up on my phone.
Evidently, mobile emulation is extremely hard, since even Chrome Dev Tools is inconsistent in emulation mode.

Multi Screen Test
Test your site at different screen resolutions & devices.

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Extremely happy that for once Chicago gets a service first.

On-demand food delivery via Uber, now launching in NYC

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I'm going to assume that this service is only intended to be used in the Valley, since all the workers are concentrated there.
Do you intend to expand to other schools? I would love something like this at Northwestern.
Also, have you had difficulty in finding workers? It seems like it would be harder to recruit students (who already have many other obligations) for tasks versus older...

Stanford Nerd
Text a Stanford student and get help

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Im on my phone so I can't download any of these right now. Is each app wrapped in a separate web view and or do they all just open a new tab? Wrapping them would make them feel more native and allow users to full screen web apps and then 3-finger swipe between them. (Which would be convenient for some.)

Launch webapps from your dock, in a click.

Hack Chase
Product Hunt for Life Hacks

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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I've tried a number of these mobile photo printing services over the years and the quality has been very inconsistent. I hope this product offers higher quality prints than some of the startups who've come and gone before it.
As for the inability to edit, I understand the philosophy behind it and I think it might be appealing to some people, but I really need to be able to edit and import...

Disposable Camera App
A roll full of surprises, printed and shipped for $12.99

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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Here's the problem:
Who is this for? In many cases, probably not the kid. What kid comes to their parent and says "I want to start a business?" Not very many. They might have novel ideas or talk about selling something in passing, but how many kids have the motivation and intention to sell something for real? A minority.
Even then, it's probably selling Girl Scout cookies, etc., which,...

Entrepreneurship for kids 6-12 years old

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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It will be interesting to watch Meerkat and Periscope duel it out. Differences in UX and features aren't relevant. The winner is going to be whoever has the best content. The platform that wins will be wherever the celebrities and big-name Youtubers end up...

Explore the world through someone else's eyes

Dan Ruswick ☕️
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This is a fantastic idea. As a developer, I constantly encourage my friends to learn to code (I usually point them to Codecadey, Dash, TryRuby and the Rails Girls guides). They usually get through the introductory stuff really quickly but always ask "what am I supposed to do with this?"
The problem is not teaching people about if statements or what classes are. It's getting them to do the...

Learn how to code by cloning real life startups

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