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@jaysmooth curious what this is based on? PDF.js, pdfium or something else?

PDF tools directly in your browser

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Hey everyone! Thanks for hunting us @izzydoesizzy!
We’re so excited about Fireside 2017 and even more excited about putting together a special Product Hunt cabin.
We started Fireside a few years ago for 2 reasons:
1) Steven has always wanted to be a camp director
2) We found it difficult to form strong relationships in meetups/conference environments
So we decided to bring together some...
#🔥 An off-grid retreat for founders, investors, and startups

#🔥 An off-grid retreat for founders, investors, and startups

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@francovarriano can't wait to listen to this episode. Big fan of @MengTO and the resources he provides to the community! What did you find most interesting about your discussion with @MengTO?

Hack To Start - Episode 93 - Meng To, Founder, Design + Code
Meng chats about launching Design + Code and travelling

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@ammarceker Looks beautiful and is a unique approach to how other shoppable instagram sites are executing. I'd love to know how you're going about this from a technology standpoint, given Instagram's change in API access. Are you relying on the API or using web-scraping?

Turn your Instagram account into an e-commerce site

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Haha this is hilarious. It goes perfectly with the concept of @firesideconf by me and @steven_pulver where founders, CEOs, investors and leaders stay up at camp for a weekend without cell coverage to "disconnect to connect"!

The NoPhone
A fake phone to disconnect. This isn't an April Fool's joke.

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@ekalvi great to see more and more great stuff out of Kitchener!

Meya is a customer experience (CX) automation platform.

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congrats on the launch @roymap -- looks great and can't wait to see more in-depth!

Schedule Every Meeting Faster

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Hey @mcbramhill, I've really enjoyed listening to Welcome to Macintosh since you started not too long ago. What motivated you to start this series and what were the biggest challenges for you at the get go?

Welcome to Macintosh - 7: The Shimmy
The story of how a YouTube video made Steve Jobs dance.

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Hey @bwishen! This looks delicious!!
What's the biggest food trend you've observed in the last 6 to 12 months?

A curated, crowdsourced food discovery website in Toronto.

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I was really hoping for a find my remote feature. Either a button on the ATV box or using iPhone -- anyone else?

Apple TV
New Apple TV running tvOS

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@jiten_bansal betapage looks great. in what regard do you differ from others like betalist and startuplist? Is your platform limited to mobile apps and games? i.e. would you not feature a hardware product?

Beta Page
Be the first to know about the next big app

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This looks awesome @morrisonusa! Are you shipping to Canada and is this suitable for my 8 year old cousin?

The world's smallest quadcopter

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@charliehoehn You said you've worked with Ramit Sethi. Any insight into how your program differs from his course on landing a dream job?

How to Land a Job You Love Course
Use this course to escape a lifetime of soul-sucking jobs

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This is very smart and I love the design! Are there any concerns with leaving it plugged in all the time?

Roadtrip by Nomad
First ever car charger & 3000mAh battery

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This is inspiring -- kudos to you and your team.
I had discussed a similar idea with with some colleagues last year. One of our concerns was the possible proliferation of a second market for cards like this, therefore decreasing the effectiveness and goal of such a program. I know several people that carry with them bus tokens and $5 McDonald's gift cards specifically to give to those in...

HandUp Gift Cards
Give directly to a homeless neighbor on the street

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I wonder what the speed of this thing is and how that is controlled?

The new mini Segway