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  • About

    🚀 With a decade-long dance in the digital marketing disco 🕺, I've grooved to the rhythms of SEO, sung the ballads of demand generation, and swayed with the beats of brand amplification. From the steps of Sales Development to the choreography of strategic marketing, I've got the moves! 🎵 From kickstarting as an SDR to directing the show as the Director of Demand Generation, I've donned many hats 🎩 – Project Manager, SEO maestro, and Sales Development aficionado, to name a few. These roles not only fine-tuned my skills but painted my canvas with a medley of marketing masterpieces.


    Marketing at Demand Inc.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

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    • Lasso.ai
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      Jan 2024
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      Joined Product HuntDecember 5th, 2023