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Create e-signatures for a variety of purposes. These signatures are widely used to legally eSign PDF or Word documents. Platforms like Doxflowy make it easy to upload your signature and apply it to documents such as sales contracts, consent forms, & more.

Doxflowy Free Online Signature Generator
Create e-signature online using our free signature generator

Secure, Fast, Intuitive Electronic Signature and Document Generation Software Built For You.

Effortlessly create, manage, and e-sign documents with ease

This is a free online electronic signature creator that lets you create a personalized signature that can be downloaded and used to legally eSign PDFs or Word documents. Simply type or draw your signature, choose your preferred colour, and you're done.

UsefulPDF Signature Creator
Create free electronic signature for signing document online

Daniel Ndukwu
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If you’ve been around the startup scene for longer than a few days you’ve probably seen a few framework. They tell you things like “go talk to customers” “do things that don’t scale” “get on social media.” If you’re like me then that probably leaves a sour taste in your mouth because it’s not helpful.Yea, this isnt that.I wouldn’t call it a step by step framework because startups are too...

Incubate Yourself

Daniel Ndukwu
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You know those frameworks that are all like “talk to customers” “Do social media” “build an MVP.” Yea, this isn’t that. I don’t want to call it step-by-step because when building a startup, there’s no step-by-step framework to guarantee success.Instead, I’ll call it the most effective look at how to perform the steps needed to give your startup a fighting chance from day’s clear a lot of...

Startizer The Startup Framework (Version: MVP Edited Public v1.0)
Incubate Yourself. A holistic and granular startup framework

Daniel Ndukwu
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Looking great Rich, I know you put in a lot of work for failory and it shows. Looking forward to seeing where you take it next.
Failory 2.0
Learn how to build a profitable startup

Daniel Ndukwu
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I'm not a hardcore Instagram automation person so I only use the liking functions and the scheduling. Those have been working perfectly for me so I don't have anything to complain about in that regard. Its been about a month.
Pros: Schedules stories and a lot of control over the auto activity
Cons: Need a proxy

Instagram post scheduler and auto activity bot

SumoGram is a cloud based service that allows you to easily schedule your posts and stories to Instagram (without a phone). In addition to that it allows you to build a targeted following by automatically engaging with different accounts. in your niche. Expand your social reach and influence to meet your business goals.

Instagram post scheduler and auto activity bot

Get your First 10,000 Instagram Followers Like a Boss
Build a Brand, Grow a Following, and Make Money

Daniel Ndukwu
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I'm curious, how is this any different from what Adobe is doing? Or docracy for that matter? Docracy will not only allow you to sign, but give you thousands of templates all for free.
You have a nice site though
Request Signature with SignEasy
Get documents signed by anyone remotely, in minutes ✍️

Daniel Ndukwu
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This should be useful, I'm addicted to my phone

Track your iPhone usage & digital detox with Gamification

Daniel Ndukwu
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This is epic, I wander what the vetting process is like or if there are any blacklisted countries

Stripe Atlas (Pre-Launch)
A new way to start an internet business anywhere

Daniel Ndukwu
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I like the fact that you implemented some of the suggestions here

A new way to collect & display your most significant data

Daniel Ndukwu
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Love the Lineleads business model and the quality of the leads, I ran a single campaign and had as high as a 50% open rate and was hovering at just under 30% reply rate. Great product, great team, and great service. Highly recommended

LimeLeads Customer Match
Find prospects similar to your existing customer base