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Dan Chadney
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No - most of the time I don’t. I’d love to get to the point where I only work 4 days a week. Right now its too much work and not enough life!
Do you work weekends?
Maria Anosova 🔥
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Dan Chadney
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I just tried this out and it's absolutely brilliant! Well done!

User Persona Generator
Understand your audience without 50 interviews

Dan Chadney
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The Heights platform looks really interesting and Heights AI coach is taking it to another level! Love it 🚀

Heights AI
The autonomous AI coach for creators

Dan Chadney
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Checking emails and messages... then I have a morning meeting with my team. I am most productive in the mornings and later at night. Afternoons are usually a struggle to keep focused.
What is typically the first thing you do at the start of your workday?
Zhao Naomi
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Dan Chadney
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About 20 years for me. I started designing and building websites in 1998. For some reason, I always had the mentality that everyone else was always ahead of me, and there was no point in starting. I'd just get lost in the vast sea that is the internet... until I realized that my own inaction was the real problem all along!
How many years of experience did you have before starting your own business?
Shaur ul Asar
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Dan Chadney
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Just keep going! Knowing that everyone has doubts gives me confidence to keep going, no matter what.
How did you overcome your self-doubts as a founder?
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Dan Chadney
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Learning from others in this community and in other similar communities like Indie Hackers.
What tools or resources have been most valuable in helping you grow your startup?
Novie Dizon
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Dan Chadney
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Not starting sooner!
What has been your biggest regret as a startup founder?
Demi Jones
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Dan Chadney
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Good to remember as I am building my product and headed towards launch!
remember that the best stories are those that resonate.
Shajedul Karim
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Dan Chadney
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I’m not launching this week, but it’s nice to see that there are folks out there willing to help out!
Happy to help any founder launching this week, please reach out!
emmanuel Onuoha
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Dan Chadney
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I think AI content detectors are an unnecessary tool if you are talking about SEO. They can be helpful to highlight repetitive content, or provide suggestions for improved readability. But since Google doesn’t care if content is AI generated there is no real technical need for it.
Do you use any AI content detectors? What do you think about it?
Ankit Sharma
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Dan Chadney
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Woah! I was recently thinking that there must be a better way of capturing bits of knowledge and activity on the fly. I normally use Apple notes or similar apps, but there is no easy way of categorizing or tagging. Perfect for ADHD users too!
Capture at the speed of thought

Dan Chadney
left a comment is has a big selection and it’s super easy. I also use Envato elements or and download Photoshop mock-ups.
How do you create mockups?
Nihal Kothiyal
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Dan Chadney
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Just new to this but I’m planning a launch at the end of August. I’d love to learn from others. Good luck on your launch!
Share Your Launch Day Rituals: Making the Most of Our Big Day! 🚀
Samy Melaine
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Dan Chadney
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I think AI is going to transform e-commerce in the coming years. Imagine using an AI app that knows your preferences, sizes and can automate buying based on your budget.
Ecommerce is still growing. What could be the next big thing for this industry?
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Dan Chadney
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I’ve had great results with ‘act as’ prompts. Such as act as a ‘SEO specialist’ and give me a list of…
I also tend to avoid lengthy prompts and try to be as clear as possible with minimal words.
Saying that, sometimes it’s best to train the AI first with lots of information and then make your request in a separate prompt.
I’ve also had fantastic results with the browse the web plugin in...
Top AI prompts
Tanvi Gandhi
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Dan Chadney
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I lost count a loong time ago 😂
How many unfinished projects do you have currently? 👨💻
Sneha Nair
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Dan Chadney
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I used to be better at this. I found this easier when I was just working a full time job. Now my kids are older and I am starting a business, it’s easy for self care to be less of a priority. A lot of the time I’m either working or looking after my family. However, I believe these things come in seasons and doing something for yourself every day helps to establish habits, no matter how small.
How do you balance life and work?
Kevin Lu
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