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Sergii Garkusha
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Best of luck, guys! Love the concept!

OneBar 2.0
AI-powered Q&A knowledge base for Slack teams

The original OneBar has pivoted into a standalone knowledge base, please see:
The easiest way to search for things at work

Sergii Garkusha
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Good job brothers, Zhyve Belarus!

Fabby Hair
Discover what you'd look like with a new hair color!

Sergii Garkusha
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Unfortunately something went wrong -, there's 500 (Internal Server Error) here
UPD: found also php PDOException.

A Summary Guide to YC Startup School
Learn key points of each 1 hour video in 5 minutes or less

Sergii Garkusha
left a comment
Great moves guys, proud of you, keep it up. I bet you make babies smile :) I appreciate you. Another one. Looking forward to your updates. I like your style.
Of course I'm kidding. But seriously, I'm one of your early users (and still number one on your dashboard 😂) and I'm also a fitness geek. I'm following hints which your app provides and I feel myself much more alive.
Great job guys, keep...
Optimity: Live.Work.Play
Get rewarded for your healthy habits

Sergii Garkusha
left a comment
Great moves guys, proud of you, keep it up. I bet you make babies smile :) I appreciate you. Another one. Looking forward to your updates. I like your style.
Of course I'm kidding. But seriously, I'm impressed how easy and human friendly it looks. It's convenient.
Great job guys, keep going.

Communicate with databases like a human