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The Mighty Motion Guide book explains everything about the Framer Motion animation library for React. All its techniques: layout animations, gesture animations, different ways to create animation sequences, exit animations… the works!

The Mighty Framer Motion Guide
The ins and outs of Framer Motion with 200+ example projects

Tes Mat
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Hello Product Hunters!
Earlier, I made, a guide about Framer, the website building and prototyping tool.
And this guide is about animating your React websites with their Framer Motion library.
Be sure to use the discount code ‘launch’ when signing up!
Happy to answer any of your questions!

The Mighty Framer Motion Guide
The ins and outs of Framer Motion with 200+ example projects

The complete Framer Classic book (originally a $99 ePub), including its hundreds of example projects, now for free on a website.

The Framer book — unbound
Framer Classic’s manual, 276 example projects, now for free.

Tes Mat
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Hi, everyone! I’m Tes, the author. Thanks to @kam1l for adding my book. It launched today!
I actually stumbled onto Framer by accident while reviewing a bunch of high fidelity prototyping tools (there’s a post on Medium). I instantly liked Framer: You can create anything you want in it, but you need to learn how to ‘code’ to use it (at least a bit, it uses CoffeeScript).
I thought there was a...

Building Prototypes With Framer
Learn to create prototypes that feel like real apps

Building Prototypes With Framer
Learn to create prototypes that feel like real apps