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Conway Anderson
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window management is so annoying in the vision pro - well done guys

Probably the most useful app for the Vision Pro

Conway Anderson
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Any plans to release the blender files on this one?
Emoji by Craftwork
A collection of cute 3D emojis for your next project

Conway Anderson
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Design tip: the current brand color is very bright. When it's used in the buttons with white text, the contrast is extremely low. I think the usability of the site (and later, the conversions) will be improved if you change the colors used in the buttons to increase the contrast.

Tiny house paradise. Buy, rent, find professionals

Conway Anderson
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They can't steal your job if you don't have one
Will Robots Take My Job?
Find out how susceptible is your job to computerization

Conway Anderson
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I hate to be such a designer cliché but this conversation view is a dealbreaker for me. There's so much unnecessary visual detail.

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft's Slack competitor

Conway Anderson
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It's amazing what you can design in 1-2 hours without access to Twitter & Reddit

DDoS Attack 2016 Survivor Shirt
Stand up to the hackers and show you survived without Reddit

DDoS Attack 2016 Survivor Shirt
Stand up to the hackers and show you survived without Reddit

Conway Anderson
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The product might be a lot stronger if it were small enough to fit in your pocket so you could easily take it with you.
At this size, as @ryanhoover mentioned, Kitchen Safe is a good alternative. If you get the white base version, you also can't see what's inside of the box. Kitchen Safe is arguably better because you can use it for such a wide variety of things you want to prevent yourself...

Work distraction-free with your phone locked up.

Salons to discuss and collect art.