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Random Ads Manager to manage and display random image ads in different ad formats and take control over your website monetization

Random Ads Manager
Random Ads Manager to manage and display random ads

Curious about what your age is? Calculate any time difference or just check how old you are. Displayed in seconds, minutes ... centuries or millennia even with this simple age Calculator . It's simple and fun!

Age calculator
Show you how old you are and calculate age difference

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A set of minimalistic productivity tools. Web based, lightweight, simple and Free.
With the tools included you can:
- Make bookmarks, organize links and websites to visit. Can do a lot more then that.
- Add items and tasks to a list: list of daily tasks, shopping list, items to collect
- TimeTracker with pomodoro technique in mind and an alarm clock to track your work
- Open a website in an...

Simple minimalistic productivity tools for everyday use.

Where productivity meets simplicity all the tools are in one place.
miniProductivity is set of minimalistic productivity tools designed to manage links, tasks, track time and do a lot more while keep you productive and organized. Free, no registration, online

Simple minimalistic productivity tools for everyday use.

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And I'm planning to launch my app tomorrow
Weekend is here!
Ibileke Samuel
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I've tried it and it works great.
Convert text to speech with natural voices free online

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The Money making problem. But how much will pay? Certainly a 25% less then can earn from it :)
Product Hunt Founder Ryan Hoover (@rrhoover) asked: "What's a problem you would pay to have solved?"
Eithiriel DeMerè
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Bookmark board is here to organize your links, items, tasks in an easy way - as buttons on a screen.
1. Add an URL (or just type something if just want to add an item),
2. Enter the description - this will be shown in a form of button.

Bookmark Board
Bookmark board to organize your links, items, tasks

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Having problem finding hundreds of bookmarked visited sites and sites to visit once gain. So how should I found the right saved links. Saving in categories would work, but a more neat solution is to have the URLs in plain sight in some kind of dashboard like interface.
This is how Bookmark Board was born.

Bookmark Board
Bookmark board to organize your links, items, tasks

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Great app and good idea. But I build an app by myself, using free MIT inventor within 5 hours (would be sooner if I have made a logo / icon and store graphics for my app ready)

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