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William Smith
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copycat product of Handle Horse by @marckohlbrugge you didn't bother yourself to change the design
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William Smith
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i hate to scroll down to see product alternatives and stats are not enough

Product Hubs & Launch Pages
A whole new way to learn about a product’s journey

William Smith
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nice way to collect as much as possible of users emails

Read Later
A simple bookmarking solution

William Smith
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it's a good move (and risky) to think outside the box and focus on a web version rather than a desktop app like your compititors did, let's see what people think about it in the incoming months :) btw is there an intership position (remote) for junior dev (react + node + postgres) i'll be happy to join a new mission to build the next productivity tool to connect remote teams (i'm outside the US) ?
Work side-by-side, even when you’re not in the same room

William Smith
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sorry but it's not a success story (for me) because the sex market grows every day and adults spend time watching NSFW content everything related to sex has a great chance to earn money what I want to say is that every founder struggle to succeed when they are in a different market than sex, in the sex market, it's enough to share NSFW content to attract more customers, people want food, a good...
The explosive growth of OnlyFans
Ruchin Kulkarni

William Smith
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hey @brendan_falk_falky_ did anyone told you that you make such a beautiful piece of art ? is there an windows version in the future ?
Autocomplete for the Terminal

William Smith
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nice article, reminds me of for iOS Made by the NPE team at FB one year ago
Beyond the grid: Reigniting personal creativity with a modern site builder
Sarah Wright

William Smith
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such a good piece of art <3 are you using webgl ?

A playful space for online events

William Smith
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what if i need more than 10gb storage is there a pricing plans to upgrade later ?

Deta Cloud 1.0
The free cloud for doers & dreamers

William Smith
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is there a long term support because i have an idea for social network (niche community) and i want to use it for years instead of firebase, hasura, supabase ? and what is the diff to web-rtc / ... sorry if it is a dumb question

GUN 2.0
Open source Firebase for Jamstack & Web3

William Smith
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if there will be an automatic updates in the future it will be a game changer please focus on your product guys such a good idea

Self-host open source databases in one click

William Smith
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is it alternative to glitch ? Teams for Education
Zero-setup collaborative cloud IDE for teachers and students

William Smith
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@producthunt team u should moderate this platform there is a bunch of fake accounts

Track achievements, gain confidence, beat imposter syndrome

William Smith
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maybe pure js and vanilla css will be enough instead of react and styled-component when you built you app

Do The Thing Today
Take 5 minutes to do the one thing you've been putting off

William Smith
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Open repositories in a VSCode environment in your browser

William Smith
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Doge + house -> the DOGE word inspired from elon musk and HOUSE inspired from cloubhouse

Open-source audio chat on the web.

William Smith
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TWITTER CO-FOUNDER Jack Dorsey should check this
Bird Buddy
A smart bird feeder that notifies you of feathered visitors

William Smith
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how about adding topics to make interesting conversation, anyway good job. cc @benawad97 you need to check this

Chat with developers around the world using VSCode

William Smith
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is there an option to filter by country ?
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