Rahim Rezgui

Rahim Rezgui

Founder, building an AI code playground.
6 points


I'm on a mission to make coding more intuitive and accessible. As the co-founder of CodeJS, I believe great development tools should break down barriers, not create them. My background is rooted in solving real-world problems through technology. Together with my co-founder, we're reimagining how developers interact with code and AI. Our goal isn't just to create another online editor, but to build a platform that genuinely empowers developers at all levels. Although we started with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, our plan is to allow you do prompt AI assistants for whatever language you want and run code in the browser. CodeJS emerged from our shared frustration with complex coding environments. We wanted something simple, powerful, and free.


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • CodeJS
    AI Powered JavaScript Playground
    Nov 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 23rd, 2024