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  • Cindy Vestergaard

    Cindy Vestergaard

    blockchain, traceability, explainability
    9 points


    Interested in the convergence of AI Safety and blockchain, specifically how blockchain tech can add governance to AI. As supply chains continue to evolve and new AI technology becomes part of every business, traditional trust systems that rely on human interactions to verify and validate data will struggle to keep pace. Digital supply chain practices from media through software to physical goods must adapt to this changing global technology landscape. Blockchain tech can help by providing immutable audit trails for tracing who did what when to what data, whether an image, a document, or an audio file.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5

    Maker History

    • DataTrails
      Content verification & misuse protection for Dropbox files
      Dec 2023
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      Joined Product HuntApril 26th, 2023