Louis Chenais

Louis Chenais

C-Evangelist & co-founder @specifyapp
189 points
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Louis Chenais
Flexible and powerful, Specify makes it easy to build the exact Design Token process your Design System needs. Our Design Token Engine supports endless workflows and advanced features like Aliases, Modes/Themes & Collections, without any limitations.
Specify 2.0
Your design token engine
Louis Chenais
Louis Chenais
left a comment
This looks sick! Hats off for the work 👏
Keep your Figma components up to date with code
Louis Chenais
Design Data Platform 101 is a simple, interactive guide to help you get started and level up your workflows with design tokens.
💡 Learn the basics you need to build UI consistency at scale.
⚙️ Set up a design CI/CD workflow to ship better products faster.
Design Data Platforms 101 by Specify
Step-by-step guide to set up a design CI/CD workflow
Louis Chenais
Specify is the Design Data Platform for your design & dev teams:

🎨 Collect your design tokens and assets from Figma
🤖 Store them as a single source of truth
⚡️ Distribute your brand with custom delivery pipelines

Get started for free → specifyapp.com
Sync your Figma files with GitHub repositories in minutes
Louis Chenais

Specify is the first tool fully designed to maintain large products and design systems. All your design primitives, component states and platforms in one place. Specify provides all the tools needed to be ready to build the next generation of product software.

All-in-one tool for design systems
Louis Chenais

A Sketch plugin that allows you to import a set of icons and automatically apply a color mask.

Sketch Icons
Generate a dynamic icon library in less than 5 minutes