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Chuck Hattemer
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Pick up the phone and call 25 people who fit in your target audience every day.
What is your #1 trick to boost your products sales?
Ali Aghdam
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Chuck Hattemer
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A light on the horizon for founders.

NFX Fast
$1-2m seed funding in 9 days.

NFX FAST Seed Funding - Founders can apply for a $1-$2M seed for 15% and get a decision in 9 days.

NFX Fast
$1-2m seed funding in 9 days.

Chuck Hattemer
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Hi all! I'd love any feedback on our first version of this tool we made at Onerent.
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 6th of April)
Aaron O'Leary
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Chuck Hattemer
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Hey all! We made this tool because we've heard too many rental scam stories. We're curious to find out if a scam tracking tool like could be useful. Share any feedback or recommendations on how we can further develop the tool in this thread 👇
Detect fake landlords and stop rental scams is a web app that helps renters reduce their risk of a rental scam by detecting fake rental listings. The tool validates the contact information used on a listing by checking against common behavioral patterns used by rental scammers.
Detect fake landlords and stop rental scams

Chuck Hattemer
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Really would love to implement this with our team. But the issue is we have tickets and feedback coming from many people in the company, not just JIRA users. So I wish there was a way to create or interact on a JIRA issue as a user, rather than having the integration's use only limited to those with JIRA licenses. We don't want to have to pay for hundreds of JIRA licenses when the vast majority...
Slack Jira Integration
Easily keep issues moving right from Slack