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Azimutt has been my goto app whenever I had a question about how the database is structured. Cherry on the cake is the feature that find path between two distant tables and pre-write the SELECT statement with all the JOINS, super handy!
This tool has so much potential ahead, godspeed @loicknuchel @sbouaked @nicolas_lahaye !

Easily explore and analyze your database with your team

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I just signed up: the user onboarding is just ... perfect. Simple, fast, friendly.
Fragmented knowledge across different services is a huge problem, and FYI is so brilliant it makes it look like a simple one.
The bonus is that @hnshah and @marie_prokopets have been very transparent and shared every single step of the product building process in the ProductHabits newsletter. Thanks a lot for...
Find your documents, like magic 🔮

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I can't stop reading their analysis. So good it should not be free !
Under Glass
An analysis of the world's best digital products

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Kudos, this looks super promising ! And very glad to see a company is ditching the false dichotomy between AI and privacy that GAFA got us into !
Snips Voice Platform
The first AI-powered voice assistant with privacy

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Mandatory Oscar Wilde quote : "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
I don't think this is a real threat to Typeform : if survey form edition is a core feature of your product you will certainly want to differentiate from your competition : customer will prefer the original.
If it's not a core feature you will certainly not want to host and administrate your own instance of a software...

An opensource alternative to TypeForm