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A completely free course laying out every step to write and publish your non-fiction book. Taught by 4x NY Times Bestseller Tucker Max, and taken from the WSJ Bestselling book "The Scribe Method" this course is everything you need (including templates)

Scribe Book School
Free course w/everything needed to write and publish a book

Play for a Living: A Coffee-Table Book for Your Inner Genius
An art book for those who believe in doing work they love.

Charlie Hoehn
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Best bang for your buck and time spent reading: costs $5 and takes 30 minutes to finish (only 40 pages long). Written in the early 1900's, this is a life-changing classic that's sold millions of copies and will stick with you forever.

As A Man Thinketh
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”

Charlie Hoehn
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This book’s reminder to live in the present changed my life. I later discovered that Be Here Now inspired Steve Jobs’ trip to India and his experiments with LSD. It's beautifully illustrated and rips you out of the silly illusion that life is little more than making money, getting married, having kids. There's so much more out there, and vast universes to explore within. Your inner adventure...

Be Here Now
One man's journey from Dr. Richard Alpert to Baba Ram Dass

Charlie Hoehn
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Written in 1938 – one year after Think and Grow Rich – and published in 2011, this book was withheld from release because it was deemed "too controversial" by the Hill family and his advisors. Brutally honest writing:
“For the first time in my life I knew the pain of constant fear… [M]y nerves began to crack. My courage had completely left me. The ambition which had heartened me during the...

Outwitting the Devil
The secret to freedom and success

Charlie Hoehn
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This simple practice changed my life. It helped me get over a really painful breakup in record time. Instead of viewing my world through the lens of "I don't have enough, so many things are wrong with my life," it changed my thoughts to "I have so much to be thankful for."

The 5-Minute Journal
A happier you in 5 minutes a day

The 5-Minute Journal
A happier you in 5 minutes a day

Helping Joe - 13: Changing ineffective thought patterns, building real confidence
The guys help Joe keep things in perspective.

The Mating Grounds - 11: Helping Joe. You Don’t Need To Have Everything
Advice on texting, being too nice, being honest

Charlie Hoehn
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Hey Evan, big fan of the book :)
What would you say to entrepreneurs who are considering the Minimum Viable Product route of building a prototype first, or getting X# of sales?
When does it make sense to choose raising money over validating the product and getting market feedback? Or is it best to do a combination...?

Get Backed
Launch the venture of your dreams

Helping Joe - 7: The best episode in this series
"Like most guys, Joe is a wantrepreneur with women."

Charlie Hoehn
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Hey, Product Hunt! My name is Charlie Hoehn, I'm the creator of the course. I'm also the author of Recession Proof Graduate and Play It Away, and I'm a speaker for American Dream U. I've worked with Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and Tucker Max. I designed this course to help young people find their path and quickly get hired to do meaningful work they enjoy. I gave a popular TEDx talk on "the new...

How to Land a Job You Love Course
Use this course to escape a lifetime of soul-sucking jobs

How to Land a Job You Love Course
Use this course to escape a lifetime of soul-sucking jobs

Play It Away
A workaholic's cure for anxiety