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Charles Jo
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Neat idea since people are exploring options to YouTube.

Stream by image4io
Store, encode and stream your videos with image4io

Charles Jo
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It’s one of those products I go: why didn’t this exist before?

AI that gets you money back when prices drop

Charles Jo
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Congrats @vishwakk! Happy to have you on SSG.

YellowAnt - ChatOps 2.0 for Slack
Powerful ChatOps+Automation for Slack

Charles Jo
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Neat UI for productivity app.
Schedule events, tasks, and notes

Charles Jo
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Recently passed 9k members.

Startup Study Group (SSG)
A free global Startup Study Group on Slack

Charles Jo
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Saw this on #StartupStudyGroup. Looks pretty cool.
The note app for teams

Charles Jo
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Looks like an interesting product. Heard from #StartupStudyGroup Slack. cc @charlesjo
Smarter Time
Automatically measure, analyze and improve your use of time

Charles Jo
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I’ve been a big fan of Jason Calacanis since he educates the public about the startup world for free through tweets, blogs, and podcasts. Remember that the startups and investors that funded them were a big mystery before the likes of Jason and others started publishing. Best part of Jason is that he talks like the rest of us and isn't caught up in what I imagine a wildly successful investment...

How to Invest in Technology Startups

Charles Jo
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Here is the twitter commercial

Dating for geeks

Charles Jo
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And we are still here with 8098 members on Slack!

Startup Study Group (SSG)
A free global Startup Study Group on Slack

Charles Jo
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Tell us more about your product.

Email Octopus
Email Marketing for 100x cheaper than Mailchimp via Amazon

Charles Jo
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Awesome. I've been a fan of the email version and looking forward this update.

Paperbot (Reloaded)
Slack meets Pocket

Charles Jo
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SSG is a positive community for entrepreneurs. We do not tolerate hate speech, hate groups, nor their supporters.

Startup Study Group (SSG)
A free global Startup Study Group on Slack