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Chad B Harris
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Nice presentation Artem! Great gift idea for the person who has everything.

Scratchy Map
"Color" the countries you've visited 🗺

Chad B Harris
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Ryan late to the game here. Can we geofence or tag Twitter responses by location or just key words? I did not see the answer on your site. We are getting 60/15 numbers but very hand crafted process. I would gladly pay $250 for 1,000 if I could control the geography. Many thanks.

Smarter cold emails for the savvy social marketer

Chad B Harris
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Neil, late night brands need to see your clever late night idea. Taco Bell Snap Hacks version! Brilliantly simple, fun. Kudos!
Late Night Snap Hacks
Trick your friends into thinking you're out getting turnt.

Chad B Harris
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Kudos on producing the perfect process video! If anyone needs inspiration on how to make the processes of your product have as much meaning as the product itself, checkout their video. Simple, effective, not promotional. I wish you all the success on this project. Ciao.
Sticotti Shelving system
The only bookshelf you'll ever need

Chad B Harris
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Maybe if the default mode for Highly users was to only load text and text and pictures for non Highly shares it would be the best for both worlds. Great tutorial, I like how it shares via text. Wondering what Safari and Chrome are waiting for to release something like this natively. You are ahead of your time!
Highly for iOS
Medium-style highlighting in every app and website. 🖌

Chad B Harris
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Love the interface! Best I have seen. I think if you allowed people to use without registration but register to save their maps/trips/share you might get more in the end. Off grid ideas. Love the simplicity of for offline travel. Saved me in Cuba. Full country maps, fast and light and works flawlessly. If Pretty Streets and had a love child, it would be a travelers best companion.

Pretty Streets
Discover cities through customized walking itineraries

Chad B Harris
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On demand calls. Wish you the best, hope it scales. This is a service with a lot of demand if they can find you. I'll be trying you out after the 4th.

Create outbound call campaigns in less than 5 minutes.

Chad B Harris
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Built in battery is not good for pro use as people off the grid and on the fly can't just swap batteries and go. They needed a more simple consumer camera with an easier toggle menu and this looks like the right fit.

HERO4 Session
Smallest, lightest, most convenient GoPro yet

Chad B Harris
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Guys well done! You just uncovered all this great reading soil I had buried so deep in my Pocket. Like discovering Pocket all over again! Tags are so one dimensional. Would be awesome to add "Time Tags" and create pages by time around your tags. So searchable by tags and time. Thanks for making a great app. All the best.

The reading list for busy people

Chad B Harris
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Elegantly simple! I am always pasting new words or new uses for old words on note books, Evernote, clip it to Pocket...It goes into a virtual vocabulary waste basket because I don't have an easy way to review fast, dirty and often. Don't dismiss the simplicity until you have used the practice feature. Just what I needed. Nice find!

Great Words
Keep track of great words and improve your vocabulary

Chad B Harris
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I think you will need to market this service either more satirical or more serious, not in the middle. The reason memes work, it allows people to become part of the joke, your current messaging is too safe not satirical enough and it makes people feel they are not PART of the joke but THE joke if they sign up. It's a subtle difference but will make or break the idea. If you decided on serious,...

Online burial tombs for everyone

Chad B Harris
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Ha! Simply clever. You may want to add an optional tweet link that generates a screenshot message, "Chad just tipped his server Judy 22% less because she is a woman" or maybe a link in the app that says, "Show the world what a sexist cheapskate you are by using Toothpick to tip" something with a tweet out link to keep the rage rock rolling. Well done Amy!

Calculate your tip based on the server's gender

Chad B Harris
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With someone you like the habit of communicating is more spontaneous so it's more difficult to select one way only to communicate. The market for one on one silo apps are divorced couples since you want to wall off your life but still have a way to communicate. Greater need since it matches a behavior that is ridged, not spontaneous. Maybe call it "Cactus" and have a calendar geared towards...

Avocado app
For all couples, everywhere

Chad B Harris
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@drbarnard very nice! Love your dashboard, nice layout. If I want a group it needs to be inside the contact manager already correct? In the future, can you create a way to drag contacts on top of each other to make a group inside your app or does groups always need to be native to the contact manager. By the way, your pro launcher is better than the one I have very nice app as well.

Group Text+
A messaging productivity app Apple doesn't want you to have

Chad B Harris
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I'm with @ajaypalnitj It seems strange they do not have chat on their own site. I think if you were expecting a surge of visitors, this would be a perfect temporary solution. If you wanted to ramp up a sustained 24/7 support team, free might not be the way to go. Looking forward to see Hunters who use this for awhile.

100% free live chat for your website

Chad B Harris
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Super clean design. Most of the task lists lose me trying to be too much like a calendar. I like how the layers are tucked away so you can back into a calendar and not get so cluttered it becomes a pain and a habit is never formed.

Todoist for iOS
Sleek iPhone todo app, updated for iOS 8 w/ new features

Chad B Harris
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Kudos guys! I'm old enough to remember the first time I did a Google search versus my Excite and Alta Vista days. When I clicked, Wow! Immediately I was hooked even though the world told them it was a loser because nobody ever made money on search. When I played with your cards, I had another Wow! for a complete different reason unrelated to search. Huge specific potential down narrative,...

Wildcard Browser
Card browser for the native mobile internet

Chad B Harris
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Picking up smaller side street traffic and the search results in pin layout are big pluses for me.
Remembering to reset using start pin a new habit, maybe a negative.
New colors slightly better for me.
Have not made or shared custom maps but very happy with the update. Kudos!

Google Maps 4.0
New material design brings bold graphics and fluid motion

Chad B Harris
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This is a very good idea. Old school text is really the best way most people chat with their closest friends and they combine a platform that advertisers will love right out of the gate, a discovery engine that turns short form ads into video content. If it's new and interesting and does not say "4 seconds left until you can skip it" you will see monetization right out of the gate, Kudos!

5by 3.0
Hand-pick all the best videos on the internet