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C. Louis S.
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Hey Product Hunt! I think this inspiring little course is going to help a lot of writers find self-acceptance of their writing and motivation to keep slogging through the hard days. Tell me if you're an aspiring writer, hobbyist, or a professional

Secrets of a Sane Writer
You're a new member in a secret society of writers

Written as if you're a new member to a sorta-secret society of writers called SDF, this mini course has a casual, humorous tone and is as much fiction as it is reality.
Answers many of writers' deepest questions and provides motivation as well as sanity

Secrets of a Sane Writer
You're a new member in a secret society of writers

C. Louis S.
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Who loves the Refactoring UI book?

Project Palette
Download a full palette for your next project with ease

Based on the work of the Refactoring UI Book guys, @steveschoger and @adamwathan, create and download a color palette, a text palette, and a spacing palette for your next project with ease.

Project Palette
Download a full palette for your next project with ease

A visual story plotting tool that makes it simple to plan out your next novel. Drag and drop scenes, and plot lines. Keep all your notes in one place. Make characters and places with ease. It helps you to organize, simplify, and have more time for writing!

Visually plot out your novel 📚✍️