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Input two origin cities and the product will send you and your friend emails about mutual flight destinations!

Find Friend Flights
Cheap flights for friends to meet up in another city

Calvin Chu
left a comment
now I just need friends to use this with :)

Find Friend Flights
Cheap flights for friends to meet up in another city

Calvin Chu
left a comment
URL doesn't seem to work rn
First Users
Find out how successful startups got their 1st users

New Tab Quizlet is a Chrome extension that displays a Quizlet card on every new tab you open. An interesting experiment to integrate spaced learning inside something we do every day.

New Tab Quizlet
Learn by displaying a Quizlet card every time you open a tab

Calvin Chu
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Are you guys doing anything to stop/censor any video makers?

A blockchain social video platform.

Calvin Chu
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Wish there was an Android version - let me know if you need a tester :)
Pros: looks awesome
Cons: no android? :(

Leverage Pomodoro to form habits & finish to-do tasks ⏱️

Calvin Chu
left a comment
Love it! Looks awesome - just a couple questions: any thoughts on 1. integrating with givewell data/other charity rating orgs?
2. would love a "I'm feeling lucky" button that takes you to a random good charity.
Keep up the good work!
Give with Ella
Restoring trust in charity by forcing transparency

Calvin Chu
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Does effectiveness drop with podcasts with technical jargon/vocabulary/proper nouns, such as blockchain podcasts?

Automatic transcripts for podcasters