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George Burmistrov
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We also had a similar thing happen when we were launching last year. Had to contact the PH support and give them proof that one of the contestants was cheating.
Bots Rigging Votes? Our Difficulties with Product Hunt
Eric Cheng
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George Burmistrov
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It's always depends on the person. For me, the on-site is more productive as there are less distractions than on the remote
Which is more productive for working: Remote or On Site?
Mark Lemuel M
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George Burmistrov
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Just hope no one creates the Ultron :D
Siri vs Jarvis
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George Burmistrov
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Give us direct messages!
What's one thing you would like to see improved on Product Hunt?

George Burmistrov
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Read the books I've been buying for the last three years :D
What would you do if there was no internet for 24 hours?
Simona O'Neill
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George Burmistrov
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Always. It's hard to concentrate for me without music, especially since I work in an open space and it's rather noisy around me :D
Do you listen to music while working?
Maurizio Isendoorn
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George Burmistrov
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When I understood there were things I didn't like. I don't want to go against my voice of reason.
The art of saying "No", how did you learn it?
Maurizio Isendoorn
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George Burmistrov
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We use Loom for some short vids to demonstrate bugs/problems we find in our tool and it's easier to record a vid instead of describing everything. For video content we use ScreenStudio (MacOS exclusive, unfortunately :( )
Good screen recording app?
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George Burmistrov
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We miss a psychopath who will turn these developments against humanity :D. And I guess we don't need a person like this anywhere near these technologies. Hope it stays this way.
Are we afraid of Skynet?🦾
Boris Markarian
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George Burmistrov
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It usually depends on the number and type of tasks I need to do, but the main tools are:
1. Google Docs for most of the text work
2. Discord & Zoom for communications
3. Zoho for emails
4. Clockify to track time
5. ScreenStudio to record videos
6. Paint dot net to edit images (it's enough for my tasks)
How many tools do you use every day in your work routine?
Rupal Saini
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George Burmistrov
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Hybrid, office first. I can work from home, but only if there are some technical issues at the office (power outage, etc.)
Team office, remote or hybrid?
Marvin Mändle
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George Burmistrov
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I now understand that I'm more of a morning lark, as I got the habit of waking up early. In my school and university days, I hated waking up at 6 AM and it was a treat to sleep more in the morning. Now my body just says "time to turn the systems off" and I go to sleep practically instantly at hours I would stay fresh and running before. I think it comes with age :D
Are you a morning lark or a night owl?
Milli Sen
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George Burmistrov
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Yep, all our work communications are there
Do you use discord?
Jose RodrÃguez
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George Burmistrov
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Coding and woodwork :)
Two interesting things I don't have time and patience to learn
What's one skill you'd love to master?
Ghulam Abbas
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George Burmistrov
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Yes, cause I wake up hungry and there is nothing worse but a hungry me :D
Do you eat breakfast to get the day off to a good start, yes or no?
Viola Schoell
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George Burmistrov
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Quite simple - make the process of creating emails smooth and fast
What is the vision of your company?
Marvin Mändle
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George Burmistrov
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My grandma. Wish I could talk to her now, when I'm older and not a little kid anymore.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Austin Armstrong
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George Burmistrov
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Oh, come on, couch of course. Even when I went to the gym I still preferred couch
Gym or Couch. What do you prefer?
Alexander Ptitsyn
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George Burmistrov
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Still my parents and my uncle. They taught me how to be a human, not just a person.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Clara Roux
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