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Barney Cox
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This is very cool 🎧 We have a Dash Spotify playlist we all contribute to and listen to while we're in the office - can imagine this would feel just like that, only from home!
Play Spotify together by Remotion
Talk and listen to music like you’re side by side

Barney Cox
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Commenting for the boost! (NB, Emily and I are in the same biz 😇 )
What is your product vision?
Emily Lamb
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Barney Cox
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Good question!
Before I leave, I note down the things I should check in on when I'm back. It helps me get everything out of my head and switch off.
On returning, I try to keep the first day meeting-free to catch up on emails and read up on what's been going on. It's tempting to jump straight back into it, but from personal experience I find that can make me flustered and feel like a headless...
What are your tips/suggestions for a Stress-Free return to work after vacation/holidays ?
Arun Pariyar
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Barney Cox
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We're potentially looking at a hybrid model at Bright where I work, so have been thinking about this recently. I agree with @rubenwolff, that combination of days would be great. Ideally though I'd like to work from home Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and go to the office on Tues and Thurs.
- Monday home-working gives you the space to get back into gear
- Wednesday means you can focus on the...
If you were given a choice, which 2 days would you choose for working remotely?
Shahul Rashik
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Barney Cox
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This looks great Karel! I'd be tempted to switch the description around so you start with the eye-catching benefit (especially as you've already introduced the product in the tagline). This might be personal preference, but 'product adoption toolbox' could be simplified - something like 'Everything you need to convert your free-trial customers'?
Best of luck with the launch :)
We are about to launch our Product -> What do you think about this wording?
Karel Papik
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