All activity

Bret Prins
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Been using this for a few weeks now. It takes some time to get used to the lack of features. But it's really cut down on the time I spend randomly browsing. I just do my quick search, browse or find the info I'm looking for. Then move on with whatever I was actually doing.
The one feature I genuinely miss is tabs. I know that takes away from the "Focus" mantra. But there have been so many...

Firefox Focus
The perfect lightweight browser for mobile now on Android

Bret Prins
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I had this for a while, but the comments on tomorrow's weather were incredibly repetitive on the FB messenger side. Anything below 5 degree Celsius and I get the same cold weather warning message. During the winter where I live in Alberta Canada, anything above -5 is practically picnic weather.
I'd like to see these notifications change more based on location.
Keep up the great work!
Wake up with me every morning

Bret Prins
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If this is accurate, THIS is the kind of stuff I've been waiting for! Super useful. 👍
Turn your phone into a ruler with the power of AR

Bret Prins
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I personally just put some kettlebells on my chest before I fall asleep. Feels like I'm being hugged by The Rock.
The weighted blanket for sleep, stress and anxiety

Bret Prins
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SUPER high quality videos. Honestly courses and companies like @Udacity aren't even close to this level of quality and polish. Great job setting the bar Glen.

Frontend Center
Screencasts on the web platform for web professionals.

Bret Prins
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Congrats on the launch Baron fig team! Whats your favourite new feature (besides the size) about the new notebooks?

Confidant 2.0
Baron Fig's notebook for ideas, now in three sizes 📚

Bret Prins
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Hey Sindre! Super cool little project. I also applaud the price at $1.00. I'm sure a ton of learning and work went into this. Happy to chip in for a useful feature.

Battery Indicator
Your remaining battery time in the menu bar

Bret Prins
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Can't up vote this enough times. Thank you for creating and sharing content that goes beyond surface level conversation. These people truly love what they do and get into higher level thinking in design. That's what I want to learn about. A 45min video that really makes me think about how I approach problems and different situations is awesome.
High Resolution
A video series on design with 25 masters of the industry!

Bret Prins
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Been using this product from the start. Every time I notice an issue, it's always patched in 1-2 weeks. Your team is just cruising along! Great work!
Polymail Pro
The ultimate email productivity app for business 💌

Bret Prins
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Apple fan boy here.... This new Surface Studio is STUNNING! Wow. Hate to say it but I'm jealous of Windows users for once. (Which is great because Apple should build one)
Surface Studio
A brilliant screen for your ideas, from Microsoft