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Branimir Hrženjak
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I've had a blast working on this! Hope y'all will enjoy using it.

Shake Crash Reports
Personalized crash reporting for mobile apps

Turn your app crashes into relationship-building opportunities with your users, prevent bad reviews & fix issues fast. Personalized crash reporting harvests the power of data: Automatically see affected users, stack traces, screen recordings, network logs etc.

Shake Crash Reports
Personalized crash reporting for mobile apps

Branimir Hrženjak
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Hey PH community, Branimir here, one of the makers of Shake. I've had a real blast working on the product so far, hope you'll enjoy it too! 🙌

Shake SDK
Plug 'n' play bug reporting tool for your app

Your app users can now report their problems in seconds! Shake SDK then automatically supplements those reports with a ton of data you will love (user's OS, device, steps to reproduce, network requests, logs, permissions...) so you can fix 'em 50✕ faster 😍

Shake SDK
Plug 'n' play bug reporting tool for your app

Branimir Hrženjak
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You could also try Reddit, it's bound to turn up some interesting leads.
Best way to reach target audience related to allergies and a vegan diet?
Jordi Bruin
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Branimir Hrženjak
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I've been looking at apps like this, but seeing ManyHats and it's clean design made me want to try it instantly. Downloading it as we speak! :)
ManyHats App
Become the best version of yourself (free/no ads/no signup)

Branimir Hrženjak
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Wonderful little product, I'm blown away by the pleasant UX.
Experiences by Proof
Personalize your website for every visitor.

Branimir Hrženjak
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This looks really interesting, I'll test it out over the next couple of days. Good job :)

Fabrx Mobile Design System
Design Beautiful Apps

Branimir Hrženjak
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Thank you for making & sharing this. There's a lot of SEO related content out there, but nothing I've seen so far encompasses it so well in one place.
Traffic Think Tank 2.0
Learn, connect, & level up with the best SEOs on the planet.

Branimir Hrženjak
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I've just tinkered with this a bit, and I have to say it's one of the most refreshing things I ever came across on PH. Good job! :)
An extension that adds Discord-style chat to every website

Branimir Hrženjak
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These are great, and your website UX is on point. I could spent hours tinkering with this! :)
Gradientify Icons
Interactive free SVG icons you can colorize as you wish

Branimir Hrženjak
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As a PM, this tool seems like a live-saver. Will try it in more detail in the upcoming few days, I'd love to give some feedback then if you're interested ?makers.
Changefeed v2
A beautiful changelog for your product in seconds

Branimir Hrženjak
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I've spent a bit of time tinkering with the website, I quite like the design. Looking forward to seeing the product grow! :)
B2B partnerships directory

Branimir Hrženjak
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This is a life-saver for all the creative/visual types out there. Kudos on the idea!

Notetaking for visual learners

Branimir Hrženjak
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Is there an android app planned for the future? This might be a (better) alternative than hitting the gym.
Back hurts? Co-Step motivates you to move more, feel better!

Branimir Hrženjak
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I'm a long time Duolingo user, looking forward to trying out a new approach to learning a language! :)

Learn vocabulary in 50 languages with fun games

Branimir Hrženjak
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At real early stages we used a kind of online of collaborative web whiteboard. You just pasted an idea in there and it appeared as a little virtual sticky note. Great stuff!
How do you keep track of product ideas at an early stage?
Matthew Johnson
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Branimir Hrženjak
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Love the design , and the price tag on it is really quite decent. Definitely offers value for the money. Congrats!
Keychron K6
A compact 65% wireless mechanical keyboard