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Boštjan Klajnščak
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Try submitting the pages that haven't been indexed yet on a daily basis. I think you can submit 10/day. We had the same problem with our site and it worked. Also, don't forget to submit your sitemap(s).
Struggling with SEO: Google doesn't index my blog 🤔
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Boštjan Klajnščak
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@anna_starodub1 Keywords Everywhere, Keyword shitter, ubersuggest, ahrefs, GSC, and a couple more for keywords, and Screamingfrog for crawling. Nozzle for rank tracking. aHrefs for off-site. Lots of stuff from Probably forgot a zillion extensions and smallish tools...
Disclaimer: Creeperseoaudit is our website auditing tool which we're about to...
What tools do you use for SEO? For monitoring and improving your website.
Anna Starodub
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Boštjan Klajnščak
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@anna_starodub1 Great question. I do use AI to some extent, but much less that I anticipated when the hype began, and not directly for KW research. Namely, the tool I use is GPT for sheets, which helps me group keywords and do some of the kw manipulation related xls-ish operations quicker. Other than that, no, I'm still using the old-school approaches and tools for KW research.
Do you use AI tools for keyword analysis?
Anna Starodub
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Boštjan Klajnščak
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Please guys cast your votes above, too, so we can try and see the splits after the voting...Thanks!
How Many Followers Do You Think It Takes To Launch Your Product Successfully?
Boštjan Klajnščak
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Boštjan Klajnščak
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Hi @priyanka27, nice touch with the question ;-)
Hopefully, we'll launch in December. It's a SEO audit tool/website crawler called Creeper ( What are you launching?
Is anyone going to launch in November/December? Share your products here 👇
Priyanka Saini
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